Crowder: What Happened After My Surgery – IOTW Report

Crowder: What Happened After My Surgery

The conclusion to my heart surgery docuseries. There ARE circumstances beyond your control. As long as you’re moving forward, as long as you’re doing SOMEthing… you’re not a quitter. So keep on with the baby steps. See you in September

22 Comments on Crowder: What Happened After My Surgery

  1. You can beat me whip me hate me forever, Well wait a minute, I am a Cancer survivor, so far. But here it is, Crowder’s heart condition is consistent with steroid abuse. Please prove me wrong. Especially since he never got the bennies. Sorry, that’s what I’m smelling.

  2. If your 6′ 1″ and weigh 280 lbs….then your probably juicing. It might not be the illegal juice (this year), but your taking the newest and greatest friendly juice. Then you get cancer and finally start working out again but you are 6′ 1″ and weigh 200 lbs but can’t get the weight back because you can’t take the latest and greatest “New Juice”, so you will forever weigh 200 lbs, as you should….Prove me wrong….

  3. willysgoatgruff

    So your talking about me you fool? I’ve been accused of juicing my entire adult life. Never have. You know why? I know how to train smart. It’s all about the purity of the rep. You’d never understand Willy. Your to busy trying to score some Goat Vagina.

  4. what heart condition? It is Pectus excavatum. I did not find anything showing steroids causes that. Most sites “think” it is genetic or part of other genetic diseases (Marfan).

    I didn’t know he is 6’1″ and 280. He doesn’t look it.

  5. I have a Facebook friend, a woman who 5 years ago was in decent shape (late 40s) and now is absolutely ripped and 50-ish. She has no motivation to do anything outside of a healthy diet so I’m sure she doesn’t, but if I didn’t know I’d say she juiced.

  6. Hey Brad, EAS was NEVER supposedly the juice….and then it was THE JUICE. Eventually outlawed….What about HGH?…Some sports never tested for it so it was deemed ok….Check out some of the injuries that happen after prolonged HGH consumption….Hell, if you were 280 lbs and not fat then you were taking the latest and greatest not officially recognized juicing product….grab you some 280#’s naturally and I’ll apologize….You called bullshit on Crowder and I’m calling bullshit on you….even steven…..more name calling to ensue from Brad I’m sure….I’m done 200 pounder…..

  7. Willy
    Ya missed the secret weapon. Banned by the Olies. Tribulus. Oh shit, what about DHEA? Both of which you should be taking. You might actually see your dick again with out standing on a mirror loser.

  8. Funny how much you know about tribulus and DHEA…..I just had to look them up so it seems that you’ve given them due consideration and perhaps have dabbled in that witches brew….Brad, I’m 5’10” and 200#’s of 15% body fat generated by ribeye steaks, potato’s and a lot of legumes and alliumes….There, I gave you two words to look up…dumbass…..

  9. Shit This thread devolved quick.

    I was surprised a how quick Crowder got bulked up. He looked quite a bit slimmer before and suddenly he seemed to have swelled. Don’t Know, Don’t Care.

    A very muscular friend of mine who absolutely does not drink was having kidney problems suddenly. He told me it was from the drugs, and I assumed it was cocaine or other but he admitted it was steroids which I should have known. I am quite disappointed and concerned.

    In regards to Crowder, I watched the video on the day It came out and thought, “With all that is going on in Afghanistan and at the White House, I thought it was bad taste & timing that he was talking about himself.

    No idea why, but that’s where my brain went.

    Take care of yourselves folks, the government won’t.

  10. Brad… does steroid use concave your sternum? That’s what he had. They used rods or something to push it back away from his heart. The sternum in its previous position was putting lots of pressure on his heart. Restricting his heart from functioning properly. It was really wild.

  11. Some things should just be private and your health and trips to the hospital fall into that category. Do not understand why people share stuff like this. No wonder the government thinks it has the right to tell us how to make our health decisions.


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