Crowder’s Election Night Coverage Garners Higher Ratings Than Traditional Networks – IOTW Report

Crowder’s Election Night Coverage Garners Higher Ratings Than Traditional Networks

Daily Wire

Conservative podcast host Steven Crowder’s election night coverage garnered millions of views on YouTube, more evidence of a growing trend of viewers looking to sources other than the establishment media for important news and commentary.

As of this writing, Crowder’s election night coverage streamed on YouTube has amassed 8.1 million views. His coverage of election updates and news the following day attracted another 3.1 million views online. The impressive showing may be a bell-weather for the future of media as newcomers compete with legacy media corporations. More

16 Comments on Crowder’s Election Night Coverage Garners Higher Ratings Than Traditional Networks

  1. I have not watched a MSM broadcast in years,sure i see the odd clip and some Tucker Carlson shows but that is it,i find them sickening in their bias.
    My parents who live with me {on the young side of 90} have CNN on a continuous loop. And this is in Canada.
    I find it disheartening but i figure hey they put up with me when i was a little prick.

  2. F the news including Fox! I will listen to Rush and come here. Plus love Crowder and Hodgetwins. Then I jam to 5FDP to relieve some frustration. This shit is so messed up! Mid 50’s single mom and bought 5FDP merch! Think I’m going through mid life crisis or depression. Democrats SUCK!!!!

  3. Crowder is awesome and thanks for the info about his viewership, Dr. Tar. It’s an important metric. I think he’s hilarious.

    He looks like a young Dan Aykroyd. They’re both from Canada. Hmmm, I wonder…nah.

  4. @ Margot
    Dan Akroyd’s love child no doubt.
    Just like Justin Trudeau is Margot Trudeau’s love child with our dear leader Fidel Castro.Compare pics sometime,iwould not shit you.
    I’m a Canuk so i got the cred’s. (:

  5. @ Alexb, I’ve seen the Trudeau/Castro pics and yes, those pics are nothing short of confirmation. I don’t doubt the paternity.

    With Crowder, I dunno, but I wonder…if it was true, it would be kind of cool, unlike the Trudeau situation.

  6. @Margot
    Who was active in the New York club scene about the time Margot Trudeau started flaunting herself about and Dan Akroyd was a star on SNL and Che shirts became popular?
    Yes, it was a Three way.
    I joke of course.


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