Cruz and NY Values – IOTW Report

Cruz and NY Values

I’ve gone easy on Cruz for weeks. I’m going to give him a hard time for this, but I’m smiling while doing it.

Cruz stepped in it when he said New York values. In this interview he tries to worm his way out of it with one of the worst long-winded classic Cruz attempts.

He fails. He fails when the interviewer simply asks him after his tap dancing, “why didn’t you just say liberal values?”



60 Comments on Cruz and NY Values

  1. What he should have said was Liberal Manhattan values.

    What cracks me up is that everyone fucking knows exactly what Cruz meant, but they are milking it to their advantage.

    For the record, I’ll vote for either Cruz or Trump when it finally comes to an end.

    Because #fuckhillaryandbernie

  2. Liberals miscast what Cruz did as “stepping in it” as a way to help Trump. MSNBC, CNN, the whole MSM in fact, have always been in the tank for Trump because they want Hillary to be the president.
    Without the $10s of millions of free advertising they gave Trump, he would have never gotten off the ground.
    Every poll the dems have done shows that of the three, Kasich, Trump, and Cruz, the only one Hillary can easily beat is Trump.
    Why is Trump ramping down his election team and ground team at a time when his numbers are falling?
    There are many who say that Trump’s goal is the nomination, not the presidency.

  3. @Menderman: The You Tube clip is obviously a fabrication. Trump would never say anything like that, especially since it was said in 1999 and he knew even back then that he was running for president in 2016.
    Trump, the all seeing, the all knowing and the always honest!
    The DonaldĀ®: Whadda visionary! He’s yuuugggge (despite the terribly small fingers!)

    (Cue MM–it’s time to attack me, again. Hope his hemorrhoids are getting better.)

  4. Ugh, he just talks too much. No one needs refreshing, everyone knows what he meant. Laugh if off dude and move on

    This is why some think he is like a snake oil salesman.

  5. Trump is also facing an embarrassing situation in NY. He is polling just barely above 50%. Trump has a long history of under performing the polling data and if he can’t win a majority in his home state, he will be seen as loser by his own standards.

  6. I missed the part where Trump used the phrase “New York Values.”
    Was it in there?
    Also, play the clip where Cruz says he was simply repeating the phrase “New York Values,” the one he heard Trump use.

    Thank you.

  7. I am going to vote for Cruz. I am going to campaign for Cruz.
    But I am not looking forward to having to hear him talk for 4 years.

    The way he talks in- care-ful – meas- ures… and turns his head like a bird at calculated moments…
    and pops on the balls of his feet … and treats the listener like they’re a simpleton, while believing he is imparting pearls of genius, much in the same way Al Gore does… is off-putting.

    Don’t like it.
    But I don’t have to like the guy to get what I need out of him.

    Hopefully that will happen.

    For the record, Donald Trump is a bombastic blowhard. I’ve said that from day one. Go back and look.

  8. “I am going to vote for Cruz.”

    Florida has already had their primary so you’ve already voted for him once. You won’t get another chance. Your choices are Trump or you get Paul Ryan.

  9. @Gladys: My SIL and her husband live in New York and they both are voting for Trump. Their daughter lives on Long Island and she’s voting for Trump. They think Cruz is a phony.

  10. @Zonga:

    Bend and stretch, reach for the sky
    Stand on Tippy toes, oh so high.
    Bend and stretch, reach for the stars
    There goes Jupiter, here comes Mars.

    There’s a Uranus joke in there somewhere regardless of your choice of candidate!

  11. It seems every candidate says something stupid in a campaign. This was Cruz’s stupidest.I remember sitting in Boehner’s campaign office the night he won and saying don’t cry John. Don’t cry.. Aw crap.

  12. The Presidential Primary is charging into its third trimester. Donald Trump is still firmly in the lead, despite voter fraud, vote stealing and voter tampering. And while we are agreeably heading into favorable watersā€”New York and Pennsylvania–, where huge Trump wins could make a Cruz victory mathematically impossible, the whole media, big government, corrupt RNC machine is running in overdrive, 24/7 to deprive the front-runner a fair shot at the Cleveland Convention.

    Never, in the history of presidential elections has there been a spectacle or situation where a non-politician front-runner is running to save the greatest nation on earth. Never, has there been a time that the greatest governing document, ever created, been so threatened.

    Battles may be lost, but the war must be won. Because if we donā€™t win this war, we will see the greatest shift of power ever taken from the people and given to the power brokers that fight against us now. There will be NO coming back to things as they were. We fight for the rights given to NO other occupants, of any country, in the world. We are the last of our kind.

    Our prime enemy, Senior Cruz, is sleeping with the enemy of our freedoms(um,er in this case his wife), while campaigning as our ally. Mrs Cruz works for the Counsel on Foreign Relations, a promoter of a North American Union of Mexico, Canada and the U.S.. She is not an ally of the U.S.. No further explanation is necessary.

  13. @dumbplumber:

    Are you really suggesting that Cruz gets more favorable treatment from the media, the RNC and big government than Trump? And at the same time Cruz is the most hated man in the Senate?

    Voter fraud, vote stealing and voter tampering?


  14. I happen to agree with what Cruz was referring to when he spoke about Trump’s “New York Values.” Just look at who New York has been sending to Washington for decades. Trump’s support for the New York Democrats in the U.S. Senate is a perfect example of his values. He wants us to believe that he has to buy off federal office holders in order to get a building erected in New York City. Does anyone actually believe that he has to bribe federal office holders in order to get another Trump Tower built in Manhattan? He’s just as corrupt as the Democrats he has supported for decades.

  15. Menderman,
    That’s not what he’s saying at all. He’s saying the exact thing I’m saying. Cruz is being used as a tool to disenfranchise basically everyone. The GOP hates his guts, but yet the spend a bazillion dollars in Wisconsin trying to stop Cruz. I imagine your light will come on about the time they put the crown on Paul Ryan.

  16. Methinks the plumber may have resorted to smoking the pipe dope.
    His hero has cleared his calendar and is, right now, meeting with the top insider RNC head honchos and is going to hire some of them.
    Trump is fighting for his life right now and is betting that the stuff his supporters smoke will cause them to overlook the inconvenient fact that what Trump will be revealing over the next few weeks is the real Trump.
    Trumps supporters take it as a matter of faith that he magically transformed from a far left Democrat to a far right Republican. They will also accept him changing from outsider to insider (they probably know at some level that he always was an insider).
    Once Hillary is in place, Trump can go back to golfing with his buddy and close political advisor, Bill Clinton.

  17. Here’s a hypothetical for you. Trump followers that think that Trump with a 69% disapproval gets the plurality but not the 1,237 delegates deserves the nomination or bust:

    Assume that out of the original 17 candidates, 6 got the 8 state minimum wins needed upon current republican rules. And these six candidates had the following percentage of delegate votes: 18%, 17%, 17%, 16%, 16%, and 15%. Do we hand the nomination to the one that got the 18%? That is Trump’s camp argument.

    Additionally assume that the 18% got early votes and the 17% got later votes.

    Can you understand now why these rules are in place as opposed to a plurality?

  18. Brad, if the RNC changes the rules and nominates Ryan, they know they guarantee a republican loss. Maybe that’s what they want over Trump or Cruz. What the hell does that have to do with the New York primary?

  19. dp suggested that Cruz can only win in the coming primaries that are supposed to be Trump friendly territory because the media, the RNC and big government favor Cruz. He also tossed in that he also does so through voter fraud, vote stealing and voter tampering.

    It seems dp is floating excuses for a Trump loss because he sees the writing on the wall.

  20. First, rest assured the media wants one thing – to keep us fervently divided.

    Second, regarding the Corona and lime, I’ll bring the seashell brassieres provided someone can find something appropriate to fill them.

  21. Ted Cruz is a typical long winded lawyer/preacher/politician BLOWHARD.
    He LOVES the sound of his own nasal, whiny voice.
    I really do not get die-hard Cruz supporters. What is there to like about the guy? What has Cruz accomplished?

  22. @#NeverGOPe:

    Here are some facts about Cruz:

    Graduated valedictorian in 1988 from Second Baptist High School

    Graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1992

    Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1995

    1992 U.S. National Debate Champion representing Princeton

    1995 World Debating Championship semi-finalist representing Harvard

    Served a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, making him the first Hispanic ever to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States

    Served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008, making him the first Hispanic Solicitor General in Texas, the youngest Solicitor General in the entire country and the longest tenure in Texas history

    Partner at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, where he led the firmā€™s U.S. Supreme Court and national appellate litigation practice

    Authored over 80 SCOTUS briefs and presented over 40 oral arguments before The Court

    In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz assembled a coalition of 31 states in defense of the principle that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms

    Presented oral arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

    Defended the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds,

    Defended the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools

    Defended the State of Texas against an attempt by the International Court of Justice to re-open the criminal convictions of 51 murderers on death row throughout the United States

    Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission

    Domestic Policy Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign

    Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, where he taught U.S. Supreme Court litigation

    Ted Cruz is currently junior US Senator from Texas, defeating Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst who was heavily favored and backed by the DC old-guard GOP

    Defeated Democrat Paul Sadler in the general election

    Endorsed by The Tea Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus

    AWARDS: ā€œAmericaā€™s Leading Lawyers for Business,ā€ Chambers USA (2009 & 2010) ā€œ50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America,ā€ National Law Journal (2008) ā€œ25 Greatest Texas Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century,ā€ Texas Lawyer (2010) ā€œ20 Young Hispanic Americans on the Rise,ā€ Newsweek (1999) Traphagen Distinguished Alumnus, Harvard Law School

    On November 14, 2012, Cruz was appointed vice-chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee

    Unlike Obama, Cruz didnā€™t seat in the U.S. Senate and vote ā€œpresent.ā€ He has sponsored 97 bills. Here are a few crucial pieces of legislation sponsored by Cruz:

    ObamaCare Repeal Act

    Prohibit use of drones from killing citizens of the United States within the United States

    Disarm Criminals and Protect Communities Act

    Firearm Straw Purchasing and Trafficking Prevention Act

    Defund Obamacare Act of 2013

    A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office

    A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 101 East Pecan Street in Sherman, Texas, as the Paul Brown United States Courthouse

    A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards of up to $5,000,000 for information regarding the attacks on the United States diplomatic mission at Benghazi, Libya that began on September 11, 2012

    State Marriage Defense Act of 2014

    A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the intentional discrimination of a person or organization by an employee of the Internal Revenue Service

    A bill to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from assigning tax statuses to organizations based on their political beliefs and activities

    American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014

    A bill to deny admission to the United States to any representative to the United Nations who has been found to have been engaged in espionage activities or a terrorist activity against the United States and poses a threat to United States national security interests

    SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014

    Free All Speech Act of 2014

    Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Suspension Act of 2014

    A bill to require the Secretary of State to offer rewards totaling up to $5,000,000 for information on the kidnapping and murder of Naftali Fraenkel, a dual United States-Israeli citizen, that began on June 12, 2014

    A bill to prevent the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program unlawfully created by Executive memorandum on August 15, 2012

    Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act of 2014

    Expatriate Terrorists Act

    Operation United Assistance Tax Exclusion Act of 2014

  23. Cruz is now a ZOMBIE SPOILER candidate to stop Trump and ONLY stop Trump.
    The GOPe are playing games.
    All the MORE REASON to VOTE FOR TRUMP and get him over the 1237.

  24. “Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission”

    He’s doing one hell of a job.

    Menderman, I’m not arguing this shit here anymore but when you list all those bills he didn’t write only supported, it comes off as really stupid. This guy honestly has not accomplished anything while in office. I can find plenty of Texans that will tell you exactly that. Unless you want to include his support for Obama’s trade shit, and handing out Teddy Bears to illegal aliens. I wish people would just stick to facts and quit trying to sell “Their Guy” to the rest of us. Nobodies changing their minds. The Establishment aspect should be all our main concern right now.

  25. I think Cruz is qualified to run this country, more so than the guy who has the past 8 years.
    Cruz would be the best candidate I get to vote for president since Reagan if he wins the nomination.
    I’m not worried about that.

    It would just be nice to have a guy you genuinely like as your president.
    I don’t hate Cruz. I just don’t really connect with his persona.
    Luckily that doesn’t matter at all.

    Trump would certainly be more entertaining – but that’s not what we need from a president.

    I vote TRUZ, or CRUMP.

  26. So Brad, tell us the “great” things Trump has done. Importing two eastern European women is that what you meant? Or was it his failing casinos? How about all those people he turned into millionaires with his Trump University?

    Or was it his many overpriced condo buildings that he ends up either writing off or selling cheap later?

    Maybe it was his humanitarian gestures like telling illegal immigrants that they persuaded him to change him mind on amnesty only to then say a little while later that he changed it back.

    I know it was his desire to help those poor women who get abortions by placing them into institutions where they can find a routine and good meals with nice bars on which they can hang clothes and pictures.

    Maybe it was his aid to dependent Democrats that you are thinking up in terms of what he has done for this country? Or maybe it is all those poor downtrodden folks he brings from impoverished countries to work at his Florida resort on those wonderful work visas he gets them.

    I am sure there are many more Trump accomplishments. I was just wondering which one you would pick to suggest he has done something for the country and not just been a leech on the system using political favors and criminal enterprises to enrich his own pockets.

  27. Woody, I think it’s finally time to go ahead with the Labotomy. I’m sure I’m not the first to tell you so. You’re Bull Shit posts don’t reflect any form of reality and certainly don’t add anything constructive. I get it, you hate Trump and want to suck Cruz’s pickle. Got it, now shut the fuck up.

  28. Ted Scruz, in an effort to stay relevant, let’s quit with that argument. You may be right, but it’s got no traction in the courts and will not be a factor.

  29. @BFH: You said: I donā€™t hate Cruz. I just donā€™t really connect with his persona. Luckily that doesnā€™t matter at all.

    Then why vote for him? Why throw your energy into supporting him. Many of us are at a crossroads at the moment. I hate Cruz, and I don’t like the Trump “persona” going on now. Maybe this is all been created by design. Mix it up, confuse, attack, bewilder, confuse everyone. This is going to be a fight like we’ve never seen. Makes for good press, but I guarantee you one thing, nothing good will come out of this. Mark my words.

  30. Good question Goldenfoxx

    “It would be an enormous mistake to use a brokered convention as some want ā€” to try and stifle the will of the people” – Cruz. As he goes for the brokered convention

    Cruz insults Trump voters as not engaged and low information. So he goes on the delegate hunt – to try to stifle the will of the people.

    And he is better than Trump? I just don’t see it.

  31. You people are voting with your emotions… look what that got us for the last almost 8 years. You want another 8 of that? Vote Trump and see. I want someone, who when he opens his mouth, conservatism comes out. Someone who doesn’t have to clarify his positions two sentences later. Bad Brad, Goldenfoxx and Gladys, politics makes people so ugly. I expect better of everyone here. The news media will do a tidy job on candidates without your help. Stay out of the gutter, please.

  32. @Bad_Brad – if you think Democrats are just going to ignore the Ted Cruz ineligibility factor, you’re dreaming.
    It will have traction along with the hypocritical Bible thumping and Conservative preaching with Independent voters.
    Cruz loses against Hillary.
    Trump is not perfect but if you get a wall and enforced Immigration the U.S. has a chance of bouncing back. Cruz will never build a real wall or enforce immigration.
    A vote for anybody but Trump and you’re voting for what we already have now.

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