Cruz Has it Right on “Separating Illegal Families” – IOTW Report

Cruz Has it Right on “Separating Illegal Families”

No one on the left side of the aisle cares about “the children.” It’s all political maneuvering.

Trump has agreed to use his pen to keep families together after they are caught sneaking in. He wants to back the pen decree with a permanent legislative bill, but he says the dem senators will never sign it.


To an outsider it looks as if the dems want to keep the issue from being resolved because they believe it’s a midterm winner.

That’s nice.

Meanwhile, I like Ted Cruz’s proposal.

Keep the illegal family unit intact. Get them immediate due process. If they are found guilty, deport them as soon as possible


Cruz’s bill would double the number of federal immigration judges, authorize new temporary shelters to house migrant families and limit the processing of asylum cases to no more than 14 days — a goal immigrant advocates say would be difficult to meet.

Let’s try and meet that goal. By law you have 6 more days leeway. You can do it! Do it for “the cheeeldren.”

12 Comments on Cruz Has it Right on “Separating Illegal Families”

  1. There won’t be any legislation now that Trump has flinched. The assholes in Congress know that if they do nothing, Trump’s executive order will be challenged in court under Reno v Flores and be rescinded, thereby reinstating Catch and Release, which is what the swamp wants, i.e. flooding the US with more fake “minors” and trafficked children for the rich perverts to rape and murder for sport.

  2. I read this on another site I believe and it does make sense but the questions never comes up. What are these people running from? Mexico bad neighborhood, move to another drugs move again. I think they just come to get the free benefits and money which they then send back making us pay. If it is a legit reason no problem be like all the others wait your turn.

  3. @TheMule…

    Let the courts decide that the old way is better. Let the fedges strike down Trump’s humanitarian EO. The media is going to have a hard time to spin “keeping families together” as a bad thing, after they’ve gone full bore in support of it. Anyway, I don’t want Congress anywhere near immigration legislation during an election year. Trump has stepped up to take the heat and change the narrative. Let’s watch this play out.

  4. XTACSGT, absolutely none of that matters in this current leftist assault. All that matters is what happens to the illegals when they get here. We are never going to fix these shitholes, and the truth is that most of these people coming would stay home if they weren’t heavily incentivized by people like the Bushes and their close friends in Mexico’s elite society.

  5. To be fair, Democrats have a history of keeping immigrant families together. In 2000, Elian Gonzalez was rescued at sea and taken to relatives in Miami. His father in Cuba wanted him back, and after some legal wrangling, Janet Reno sent in the troops to forcibly take Elian from his uncle – although this time her troops managed to avoid burning down the house and killing the inhabitants (they only maced them). Bye, bye Elian – enjoy Cuba.

    Elian seems to have done o.k. since returning to Cuba; probably because he had some propaganda value. But the point is that Democrats are willing to send in the federales in order to keep families together.

  6. These people are not running from anything but a life where they would be responsible for working hard and fighting to make their own countries better.
    They are running here for free housing that is nicer than they came from. Free food and medical care and free school all the way through college for their kids.
    And to deal drugs and kill Americans during drunk driving incidents.

  7. Why isn’t Mexico responsible? They are allowed to enter Mexico because they have no intention of staying there. Let the Mexicans know that we will close the border to trade and stop foreign aid if they don’t stop them.

  8. I see a big problem here. The “bill would double the number of federal immigration judges”.

    Until congress starts confirming President Trump’s choices for federal judges, who do we have to choose from? Yup, Obama’s judges.

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