Cruz Leans on Sally Yates Testimony About Surveilling Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

Cruz Leans on Sally Yates Testimony About Surveilling Trump Campaign

12 Comments on Cruz Leans on Sally Yates Testimony About Surveilling Trump Campaign

  1. Oh goodie! Teddy and Lyndsay got their soundbite. Now him and the rest of the worthless republican party can go back to doing nothing. Toothless fucks. 🖕😡🖕

  2. Cruz: “So a FISA application is not surveillance?”

    …. then, what happened?

    oh, wait … don’t tell me …. she was immediately charged w/ lying to congress & got the 3 AM FBI bum-rush through the battered-down front door & dragged off, in handcuffs to jail ………….. right?

    yeah ….. right


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