Cruz momentum came too late in order to stave off complete chaos – IOTW Report

Cruz momentum came too late in order to stave off complete chaos

Chaos.  No one will be happy.
Trump will most likely bail on RNC. So will his voters. This is not good. -All Too Much

28 Comments on Cruz momentum came too late in order to stave off complete chaos

  1. We have a system in place for just this eventuality.
    The only way there will be chaos is if Trump has meant all along for Hillary to win and will stop at nothing to make it happen.
    The process is underway, Cruz is working up delegates and Trump is buying off the establishment types by giving them jobs in his campaign.
    In the end, Rubio and Kasich have enough delegates to put either Cruz or Trump over the top.
    It stands to reason that they would go to Cruz due to how Trump has treated both men, but politics is strange. Trump is a very wealthy and politically powerful insider with access to many strings and levers.
    If Trump bolts, the only people who will follow him are the Clinton supporters, and they won’t be of any help to us no matter how things shake out.

  2. Majority definition is “greater number” 34 is greater than 33 and 32. Just because 34 is less than 51 doesn’t mean it’s not a majority. Trump and Cryz have both won a majority in over 8 states. Here is a trump supporter who won’t vote for anyone other than Trump or Cruz. If the choose is paul or Kashit, GOP won’t get my vote.

  3. hillary will be our next president, and the bill will the first pervert of the united states

    they will be the final lethal injection for what was once a great country

  4. JohnS says, “In the end, Rubio and Kasich have enough delegates to put either Cruz or Trump over the top.” Wrong. They’ll have enough to put Trump over the top but not Cruz and I explain why below.

    Trump will likely fall 50-100 delegates short of 1237. He still has a better then a 90% chance to pick up the few he’ll need to win on a first ballot.

    If Trump gets close to the majority, he’ll likely earn enough support from several pools of delegates to push him over the top. In addition to unpledged delegates-all counted, there could be as many as 150 delegates who arrive in Cleveland without any binding obligation to vote for any particular candidate-candidates who have suspended their campaigns could be persuaded to release their delegates and give Trump another treasure trove of possible support.

    Looking forward to the primary season’s finale, indications tell me this is the most likely conclusion. Trump wins the nomination on the first ballot.

    And why not, he’s won more states yaknow holding real elections, not caucuses, he scored millions more votes and has lead Cruz around by the nose, forcing him time after time to change his positions to more closely align with Trumps’.

    Trump is going back to his stronghold in the Northeast-he could easily win every (or by far the most) delegate and go on to CA with a full head of steam. If he does even do half this well, Cruz is mathematically eliminated. Cruz needs to get to ~900 for 100% of Kasichs and Rubios’ delegates to give him the nod. Ain’t gonna happen. All Cruz can do is continue his lying.

    And if by some incredible stoke of evilness, Cruz did get Rubio’s and Katich’s delegates and managed to hold Trump off to a second ballot and did get the nod, tell me how that’s gonna go down with the supporters of the one candidate that is self funded, obviously hated by the GOPe and got millions more votes?


  5. Here is the relevant part of 40b:

    “(b) Each candidate for nomination for
    President of the United States and Vice President of
    the United States shall demonstrate the support of a
    majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or
    more states, severally, prior to the presentation of the
    name of that candidate for nomination.”

    Note that the the rule calls for a majority of DELEGATES, not VOTERS.

  6. “Trump will most likely bail on RNC. So will his voters. This is not good”

    I’m beginning to think it doesn’t matter now. Stick a fork in the Repuglicans, they did it to themselves.

  7. JohnS: hallucinating that Trump wants Hillary to win, again, just like the was “recruiting for ISIS” and was an unconstitutional Fascist etc. etc,

    Well John,
    It is very clearly the RNC who has wanted Hilary in the White House or at least some democrat in the White House for at least the least three if not more cycles.

    You see John, they have the exact same agenda as the democrats, elimination of the middle class by exporting all the jobs they can to slave labor states and importing state subsidized slaves for the jobs they can’t export.

    How else could anyone explain running buffoons like McCain and Romney and then actively undermining the ONE candidate who has openly stated he wants to put America first in decades?????

    Yes, indeed there are “repulbicans” who want Hilary elected, but Trump isn’t one of them, and is, in fact the ONLY one who can prevent it with the possible exception of Sanders.

  8. IF Trump goes, so do I. what I do not get at all, in 2014 we made the halfrican a LAME DUCK. why anyone would give their precious vote to a present day office holder is beyond belief.

  9. If it is true that Trump nor Cruz can achieve 50% of the delegates through the primary process, is it not fair for the convention to allow delegates to do a second round of voting and continue until one of the candidates that won 8 states gets a majority?

  10. Sure menderman, and a 3rd, 4th, 5th vote etc… But in your scenario the GOPe gets to add to the process a candiate who has achieved nothing in the primary season, or failed miserably already. Kasich is all giddy thinking it will be him

  11. Menderman, why wouldn’t they?

    This is what a brokered convention is about. They are released from any moral or ethical obligation to follow the wishes of their constituents after the first vote (or 2nd, states vary on this) What if they were for Jeb! or Rubio, then why not follow the establishment placement? What if they were a #Neversomeone personally?

    They are also being primed, as we speak, by all the wannabes and candidates. A check or a promise is legal and all it may take to buy a vote.

  12. No one will definitely be happy under a Hillary Presidency – so hows about we put our Big Boy pants on and do what we need to collectively do to beat HER? Pontificate all you want on the sidelines, but foks, this is serious business we (CONSERVATIVES – frig who ya like for President) need to put aside differences and get behind the nominee…NO MATTER WHAT. A President Clinton is NOT an option.

  13. Why is all the talk about going third party and handing the election to Hillary coming from the Trump people? Supporters of Cruz and others don’t bring it up as a backup option should they not win.
    That question is not aimed at the Trump people, they know what they are doing.
    If Trump doesn’t get the nomination, how else could he ensure a Hillary win without going third party?
    Maybe he could convince enough people to sit the election out, but that would be a hard sell.

  14. Trump leads in delegates. Trump leads in states won. Trump leads in the popular vote. Trump has brought in record number of new voters.
    Disenfranchise Trump, you disenfranchise the will of the people. You lose to Hillary.
    Do you want to be right or smart?

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