Cruz’s Glowing Review of Katrina Pierson Came After Her Controversial Tweets – IOTW Report

Cruz’s Glowing Review of Katrina Pierson Came After Her Controversial Tweets

In the video above Cruz calls Pierson his friend who inspires him and a Principled Conservative Fighter Who Is Utterly Fearless. 

Pierson had already made every one of the controversial tweets being reported by the anti-Trump camps by the time Cruz was endorsing his friend, and one time staffer, Pierson.

You can say Cruz was unaware of the tweets, but Trump should be afforded the same plausible deniability.

The rub here is how Trump handles this going forward, otherwise the the issue is a wash.

16 Comments on Cruz’s Glowing Review of Katrina Pierson Came After Her Controversial Tweets

  1. Neither Cruz nor Trump are perfect. Both have done some really bone headed things over the last couple of weeks.

    This makes me worry that the establishment is stoking the feud between them in order to push Rubio up on the podium.

  2. OK, i just looked, and the “offending” tweets are 3, 4 and 5 years old! Isn’t likely she’s had a change of heart since then? People’s opinions change over time and she may have evolved and become a conservative since then.

  3. Why is everyone displaying a personality that I don’t think they would normally?

    Is it because of Obama?
    We want so badly to erase the past 2 terms that we’re about to lose our minds, thinking it might not happen of we get this wrong?

  4. I don’t want to repeat the last 8 years by sending another celebrity to the White House.

    This election is a freebie to the right. We don’t need a FU candidate, we need a constitutional conservative. We have the the opportunity to finally elect a true conservative, and instead an all over the map unprincipled bully that love eminent domain and gun control and abortion is leading. How does that help us in the long run?

  5. This IS a part of my normal personality, dude. I guess it just comes down to mood, and how much I can take getting spit from our own side. Right now, I’m angry. Trump angry! But that doesn’t mean I’m mindlessly going to be a cheerleader for the man – unlike his zombie cult-like followers. I mean seriously, the man can do no wrong, and if you dare point out what should be his obvious flaws, he… or his thread thugs… will throw a tantrum and try to bully you. So, it seems the best way to communicate with assholes, is to be an asshole. At least this way, they might get a sniff of what we’re talking about.

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