Cruz/Trump stupidity causes damaging fracture – IOTW Report

Cruz/Trump stupidity causes damaging fracture

I was going to Friends of Abe events when you weren’t supposed to talk about it. FOA held clandestine conservative gatherings where high-profile, in the closet, conservatives would speak and organize.

The past few years it’s been pretty much in the open. Now?

Well, now, it’s defunct.

FOA announced they are dissolving. The reason? Infighting over Trump versus Cruz. They say that this is “speculative.”

Ya, sure, in a presidential election year FOA dissolves.

Good going. Nice.



11 Comments on Cruz/Trump stupidity causes damaging fracture

  1. Just judging from the tone here at IOTW over the past few days, I’m not surprised. It’s been disheartening to see people butt heads and resort to pettiness. I try to save my pettiness for leftists. I recommend it.

  2. if we could simply coalesce behind the candidate who will beat hillary, we could kick ass

    but, if this continues, it will neutralize the opportunity to capitalize on what will be hillary’s loss of bernie voters

  3. This is inconvenient – FOA is dissolving before I learn their stance on whether or not Trump is a god and Cruz should be cast into the 9th circle of hell, or if Cruz is an all powerful being and Trump is the prince of darkness. Without groups like FOA, how am I otherwise to learn who to idolize and who to demonize except through message boards and comment threads?

    And yes, if anyone is offended, I am in fact making fun of you.

  4. Political discourse today is like having a gun on someone in ’60’s TV shows.
    They can never just walk you to where they want you to go, they have to give you a little shove every now and then.
    You don’t have to be for Trump or Cruz. Just be AGAINST Hilary

  5. “You don’t have to be for Trump or Cruz. Just be AGAINST Hilary”


    Trump is a big-gov progressive and his faux-conservative mask is slipping. I despise progressives, hence #NeverHillary, #NEVERTrump.

    Alleged conservatives supporting The Donald is absolutely, 100% bewildering.

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