Cry-Bully – IOTW Report




HT/ tellman1257

Julie Burchill

16 Comments on Cry-Bully

  1. I watched this video today. It left me shaking my head in pure wonderment. How far was this little bitch willing to take her threat of violence? Throw off the back pack, flair the back, move in a little closer, screaming and yelling. If she were a dude I would have hooked her right on the temple. I guess these people think they’re empowered by their President. That won’t last much longer.

  2. There is a safe place for her and it used to be called an insane asylum. She needs to go there where they can up her dose and make sure she doesn’t miss it ever again.

  3. They think the straight white man is keeping them down?

    I’m all for trannies’ legally being able to go into college womens’ bathrooms/locker rooms. Eat your own shit, lib ladies. Have at it.

  4. It’s been 15 years or so since I was last in New Haven. I stayed in the Park Plaza near the New Haven Green, it is on one side of Yale. I stayed there when attending company training in a nearby town. Indeed I believe I recognized the the place where she threw her tantrum.

    It wasn’t safe then. On the weekend evenings each street intersection had four cops present. One on each corner. The crime level kept increasing over the years, after several incidents of fellow employees being attacked on the streets and even on the elevator in the Park Plaza, the company changed their contract to hotels in Stamford.

    I have no idea how things have changed in New Haven over the last many years. I doubt they have improved. It’s probably gotten as bad as in Bridgeport. If she wants a safe place, she better look elsewhere. If she transfers schools no doubt she will be the one making the new place – unsafe.

    She has the same scowl the Moose puts on her face while walking round in the WH.

  5. You’re damned right. The minority workers at my job are so overempowered and overentitled that it has become a real chore to get up and go to work in the morning. I object to so much of their shit, and hate it when it’s twisted and made to look like I’M the one with the problem. You know, that I’m racist, culturally insensitive, not understanding enough, etc., etc. I am sick of having my work experience being hijacked by a bunch of lofo/mono thugs who are less competent, less productive, and less well educated than I.

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