Crying John Boehner Weeps in Nancy Pelosi Tribute During Speaker’s Portrait Unveiling – IOTW Report

Crying John Boehner Weeps in Nancy Pelosi Tribute During Speaker’s Portrait Unveiling

Breitbart: Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) became choked up on Wednesday as he spoke about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) at a ceremony for the unveiling of Pelosi’s speaker’s portrait.

Boehner, who is known for crying, was speaking during the event about his and his family’s appreciation for Pelosi, whom he succeeded in 2011, when Boehner became tearful.

“Madam Speaker, I have to say, my girls told me, ‘Tell the speaker how much we admire her,’” Boehner said as tears filled his eyes and the crowd applauded. He then added with a laugh, “If you couldn’t tell, my girls are Democrats.” MORE h/t SNS

28 Comments on Crying John Boehner Weeps in Nancy Pelosi Tribute During Speaker’s Portrait Unveiling

  1. The Democrats were led by a nutso antiAmerican woman who would shiv anyone that blocked her agenda.
    The Republicans have been blessed with marshmallows like Boehner in leadership.
    To some degree Boehner’s crying bouts are symptomatic of a weird mental illness reminiscent of the laughing bouts we saw from Joaquin Phoenix in The Joker

  2. Difference between Piglosi and Boner, Piglosi makes no bones about who and what she is, Boner the alkie let’s his liquor get in the way. Our local rep voted to keep Boner in as House Speaker. I let him know I was done voting for him. Rep claimed “I had no other choice.” Yes you do MF’er, you could have voted him out. So, I vote you out.

  3. …not for nothing is this traitor known locally as the West Chester Weeper. He and his tears are firmly ensconced in a gated community in a high-dollar city by that name, convenient to I-75 but far enough away from hellscapes like the People’s Republic of Cincinnati and the Demokratic Republic of Dayton that he has a comfy distance on the violence and suffering he and his fellow Democrats cause.

    And Democrat he is. And will always be. He serves the same devil they do, so its no surprise he can laud one of satan’s most useful witches.

    Search for “Boehner Crying” for a fuller exploration of all the times he turned on the waterworks.

    I like to think that its some remaining conviction in him that every time he looks as a Pelosi he can’t stop crying because he realizes on some level that -SHE- is the kind of thing he gets in trade for his soul.

    I hope that’s what triggers the lacrimal leakage, the realization that his lot in death will be an eternity of hot-tubbing in Hell with the rotted, flyblown corpse of San Fran Nan.

    I hope that thought is what torments him so.

    I hope it tortures him to madness.

  4. Sippin’ Coffee
    DECEMBER 16, 2022 AT 1:06 PM
    “…the hag’s eulogy.”


    Can you IMAGINE the fasleness there, the insincerity, the lies, the grandstanding that will take place when satan finally calls her home?

    …oh well, totally worth it as long as she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead….

  5. “If you couldn’t tell, my girls are Democrats.”
    And so are you, Boney, no matter what letter you put after your name.

    SNS 1:32PM
    “…oh well, totally worth it as long as she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead….”
    I see what you did there. ROFLOL!

  6. Liberals said El Rusbo was a liar 22 years ago when he said, “Bush Republicans are democrats!”! It was liberals that lied! This “Bush Republican” loudly proclaimed – through his drunken tears- that his kids were Democrats!

    I listened to Rush because:
    he was well informed
    he was brave
    he told lathe truth
    he was a “wise guy”

    When he said – 2000 – “Bush Republicans are Democrats!”! He spoke fearlessly, honestly and accurately! Boner is just the latest Bush Republican to prove Rush knew the truth and had the guts to tell us!


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