Cummings’ Signatures On Subpoenas Don’t Match From Page to Page – IOTW Report

Cummings’ Signatures On Subpoenas Don’t Match From Page to Page


It was revealed Thursday morning that longtime Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings (MD) died at the age of 68 on Wednesday.

Cummings was the Chairman of the very powerful House Oversight Committee and he was pumping out subpoenas while he was in hospice.

In fact, it was revealed that he signed subpoenas from his death bed just hours before he died.

Or did he?

The signatures on Cummings’s October 16 subpoenas look completely different from a September 30 subpoena so people are asking who really signed the documents.

CNN reported on Thursday that Rep, Cummings signed subpoenas directed to two US immigration agencies just hours before he died.

In one of his last official acts before his death, the late House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings signed two subpoenas for documents related to a temporary end to a policy change that allowed some immigrants with severe health issues to remain in the US.

Hours before his passing, staffers drove the subpoenas to Baltimore for Cummings’ signature, said a Democratic committee aide.

“Chairman Cummings felt so strongly about the children, that he was going to fight until the end,” said the aide.

Elijah Cummings’ signature on the October 16 subpoena looks very different from his signature on other documents.


ht/ hot salsa

39 Comments on Cummings’ Signatures On Subpoenas Don’t Match From Page to Page

  1. Cummings didn’t care much about Baltimore, or the children there. Plenty of rats for them to eat though. Disgusting!
    Death always brings eternal consequences.

    Yes, Baltimore Is ‘A Disgusting, Rat And Rodent Infested Mess’
    Rachel AlexanderRachel Alexander|Posted: Jul 29, 2019

    “President Trump caused quite a stir Saturday morning when he tweeted about the despicable conditions in the Democratic-run city of Baltimore. He blamed political opponent Rep. Eiljah Cummings, a black Democrat who has represented much of the area for the past 23 years.

    “Rep. Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous,” Trump tweeted. ”

  2. Cummings died.
    Bernie had a mild heart attack.
    Hillary trips and shits herself.
    Pelosi can’t speak clearly on hold a thought for 10 seconds.
    Biden is showing signs of senility.

    Yet Trump, who they feel is unfit, is playing 4 level chess with Europe, the Mid East, China, the Deep state.

  3. @Colour Watch October 18, 2019 at 1:36 am

    > What does Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to say about such colourful irregularities?

    Oh, don’t worry. She wasn’t really “talking”. That’s just “out gassing”. It’s perfectly natural.

  4. That’s how it’s done in DC.
    “Sir, we’ve discovered irregularities in the signature of a document transferring 13 million tax dollars into your personal account.”
    And when finally caught….
    Cummings: That’s not my signature!”

  5. Anonymous OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 4:12 AM
    @Colour Watch October 18, 2019 at 1:36 am

    “> What does Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to say about such colourful irregularities?

    Oh, don’t worry. She wasn’t really “talking”. That’s just “out gassing”. It’s perfectly natural.”

    …you know, this is actually an interesting thing with dead people that they actually DO make noises and even sometimes move around well after departure.

    There are actually two different lung volumes that make up the amount of air actually in your lungs, Tidal volume and Residual volume. Tidal volume is what you’re passing in and out with every breath; residual volume is basically not expelled under normal circumstances, you never FULLY deflate your lungs.

    This is not a factor until you go to bury someone, and if that someone is buried with their organs intact. In most jurisdictions they have to get them in the ground pretty quick when they’re unembalmed, usually within 24 hours.

    When THAT happens, the person prepping the corpse for display is obliged to press the residual volume out of the lungs as part of the service. If they DON’T, someone may be next to Aunt Mabel in the box, talking about how lifelike she looks, when that rascally lung volume finally gets enough relaxation to exit the body, causing Mabel to moan a final, foul-smelling breath at the now horrified person standing over the box.

    This can result in pandemonium and even abuse of a corpse, as some well-meaning person may even attempt to pull Mabel out of the box to “revive” her in the belief that she’s not quite dead, which only exposes the fact that Mabel’s death outfit doesn’t have a back, since it’s easier to just cut their clothes and stuff them around them, as they won’t be going anywhere anyway.

    …and yes, dead people do fart as well as the gut bacteria frantically try to digest the decaying bowel tissue in a vain attempt to keep themselves alive, but this gas usually exit more quickly than the lung volume since it’s more naturally expelled, and many people generally shit (and piss) themselves shortly after death anyway because thier muscles relax, including their anal sphincter, so this is generally gone by buryin’ time anyway.

    …although in EC’s case, I expect he had terrible-smelling breath EVERY day, just from the shit he talked…

  6. “Chairman Cummings felt so strongly about the children, that he was going to fight until the end,” said the aide.”

    Hahahaha. Nice story.
    There are American children in west Baltimore. He didn’t give a crap about them.

  7. formwiz OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 8:24 AM
    “They said he died of “health challenges”.

    Somebody tell me what “health challenges” are.”

    …when you’re THAT full of shit and bile, there’s no room for blood…

  8. formwiz OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 8:24 AM
    “They said he died of “health challenges”.

    Somebody tell me what “health challenges” are.”

    …or, you’ve pissed Hillary off, take your pick…

  9. The Vince Foster suicide note was more credible.

    If Seth Rich had left a note saying “mugging that went bad, sincerely, seth”, it would be more believable than this signature. And yet, no formal challenge will be made by republicans.

  10. The nefarious ritual of assisting someone near death to hold a pen and sign their last formal decree. No matter if the brain wave is flat because the heart is still pumping.

    No dignity, not even in death.
    Once a tool, always a tool.

  11. I guess my prior comment about having to pry their cold, dead hands off of the throat of a Free America was dead-on accurate.

    Say hi to Jeff Epstein for everybody you commie POS.

  12. mickey moussaoui OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 8:45 AM
    “… No matter if the brain wave is flat …”

    …so, how is that different from a normal, living Democrat?

    …I think it’s actually a REQUIREMENT, for their voters, at least, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t apply to their Affirmative Action hires like this as well…

  13. @Supernightshade (at 7:28 am): Well, I won’t have to worry about fixing breakfast after reading that comment. Or lunch. Or dinner…

    (Just kidding, of course. I’ve heard about that phenomenon before. Yuck.)


  14. Vietvet OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 9:48 AM
    “…(Just kidding, of course. I’ve heard about that phenomenon before. Yuck.)”

    …The worst version I ever heard of was in the ’70’s when a rookie officer had to shoot a man back when they still COULD, and the body was transported to the morgue. The police officer was called there later to identify the man he’d shot, and the mortician left the room to look up which corpse under which sheet it might be, leaving the new, and already jittery, officer alone with the bodies. Around this time, because you can get post-mortem muscle spasms and even major group contractions in the recently deceased, one of the bodies sat up and the sheet fell off of it, exposing the man he had killed earlier in the day. Because of the residual lung volume I spoke of earlier, this was accompanied by a moan as the motion and lung compression forced the remaining air out past the vocal cords. The officer, having already had a remarkably bad day, was now face-to-face in a morgue with a man that he put there. He quickly pulled his service revolver (’70’s) and emptied it into the dead man, so when the very startled mortician quickly returned, he found the officer in a perfect Weaver stance facing the corpse on the gurney, with that worthy still sitting up, but with a circle of 6 shiny new bloodless holes in its chest.

    …I don’t know what happened to that young officer, but I would take the experience this way;
    …one time, when my son was an infant, as I was getting up to go to work he was crying from a wet diaper. Not being the jerk I am today, I told my wife she could stay in bed while I took care of the unpleasantness. No sooner did I get his diaper off and start to tend to the tidying up, did he take the opportunity to shit in my hand, you know, the green, liquidy baby kind.

    I cleaned it up and the sheets and changed shirts, and was laughing as I did it, which roused my wife enough to ask “what was so funny?”. I told her that it made me HAPPY that my son had literally crapped on me first thing in the morning, because NOW, there was nothing WORSE any one could do to me ALL DAY.

    …and that’s how HE should have taken that. All uphill from THERE…

  15. @Cliche Guevara October 18, 2019 at 9:32 am

    > In a more enthusiastic era

    My lying eyes read those letters. And the voices in my head spoke, “In a more euthanasiaic era”. And smiled.

  16. Vietvet OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 9:48 AM
    “@Supernightshade (at 7:28 am): Well, I won’t have to worry about fixing breakfast after reading that comment. Or lunch. Or dinner…

    (Just kidding, of course. I’ve heard about that phenomenon before. Yuck.)”

    …given your handle, I suspect you’ve seen much, much worse, and God bless you for dealing with THAT, and thank you for your service while we’re at it…

  17. A lot of politicians stay in office long past their spoiled expiration date – after which time they are manipulated by sticks and wires operated by staff members, puppeteers, to make them appear to be still alive or competent. They are only kept in office because their name is a vote magnet, people in their district just automatically vote for a familiar name & it’s the staff’s strategy to remain employed & retain power back stage.

    In the Cummings signature anomaly. Probably a different staff puppeteer signed the documents in Oct than in Sept.


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