Cuomo Clinches Primary Win In New York – IOTW Report

Cuomo Clinches Primary Win In New York

DC: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo crushed former “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon at the polls on Thursday, positioning himself for a third term in office.

Prior to being defeated, Nixon hoped to pull off an upset victory like fellow New York democratic socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but Cuomo managed to clinch his win with 400, 692 votes as Nixon trailed with only 204,496 votes, 66.4 percent to 33.6 percent, according to polling results by The New York Times at the time of reporting.

Cuomo will take on Republican opponent Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, in the November gubernatorial race. Molinari, who is a former member of the New York State Assembly, ran uncontested in the primaries. Cuomo is expected to beat Molinaro by a 22.5 percent point spread, garnering 56.5 percent of the votes, with Molinaro trailing at 34 percent, according to a Real Clear Politics average poll from June 4 to July 16.  read more

13 Comments on Cuomo Clinches Primary Win In New York

  1. @Txn4ever – This was the democrat primary. Cynthia Nixon is even worse than cuomo, if you can even imagine that. Now we just have to make sure Molinaro crushes cuomo in November.

  2. Since Nixon appeared on the Working Families Party ticket, she may still be on November’s ballot. Which means, in addition to a challenge from Independent (actually Democrat) Stephanie Miner, Cuomo may still have Nixon to contend with in November. This could shape up to be a golden opportunity for Marc Molinaro (Republican).

  3. What a choice! A moronic nihilistic socialist thief or a socialistic nihilist corrupt-o-crat thief!

    Good luck, NY! The Road to Perdition is Paved with … STUPIDITY!

    izlamo delenda est …


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