Cure Violence Program in St. Louis An Expensive Flop – IOTW Report

Cure Violence Program in St. Louis An Expensive Flop

Daily Caller

A “Cure Violence” (CV) pilot program in St. Louis, Missouri, did not succeed in reducing crime or gun violence in the city, a July study from Washington University’s Institute for Public Health found.

St. Louis established the CV initiative in 2020 in three of the city’s neighborhoods as an attempt to stop gun violence with trained “interrupters,” according to The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The program only improved one of the three areas it was implemented in, the study determined. More

9 Comments on Cure Violence Program in St. Louis An Expensive Flop

  1. st louis is scary to even drive thru but it does have a fun fact

    1981 cult classic Escape from New York takes place in a blown-out, post-apocalyptic New York. For years, it’s been a point of local pride (or shame, depending on who you talk to) that the John Carpenter movie was filmed in downtown St. Louis, pre-urban renewal efforts. The Schlafly Tap Room, which is housed in a historic building at 2100 Locust Street, even made its “film debut” in the Kurt Russell hit.

  2. No such thing as “gun violence.”
    Can’t solve a problem if you can’t define it.
    Muddled thinking and virtue signaling never solved anything.

    St. Louis needs a “cordon sanitaire” around it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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