Cuz he cares – IOTW Report

Cuz he cares

12 Comments on Cuz he cares

  1. Actually, I did sell it but only in order to buy a bigger and better one when the DNC pays me off again to throw the race to one of the other scummy mental midgets they favor!

  2. And Joe Biden told Katie Curic (you know the broad on TV). He told her about leadership. He said, Ya know when the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt led. He led by going on TV and telling the American people the truth. Yeah he said that. I don’t know how Katie answered ’cause the video shut off. But that’s what he said. Joe Biden has been in Government for umpteen years, a fucking idiot, who tried to destroy Clarence Thomas. There was no TV in 1929 and Roosevelt was not President. Another example of ignorance. AOC tells an audience that there was an amendment to the Constitution that prevented FDR from being reelected. Nobody corrected her and the idiot reported just nodded approval.
    Look I am an Naturalized American Citizen, and wonderfully proud of that, but I feel that I know more about American History than many today in the American Government. That is a fucking shame.
    My advice to President Trump is, Once you close the borders to ILLEGALS, and straighten out the immigration mess, you should concentrate on the Education System. Dump the communist bastards and bitches, from Kindergarten to College. Bring back American History, Civics, Math, Engligh Lit., Grammar and world History.
    Better yet condemn the so called Department of Education and let the States do their thing. Sorry for the rant. But when I see ignorant fools on TV it irritates me.

    Trouble is the


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