D.C. Firefighter Stops For Food During Emergency Call – IOTW Report

D.C. Firefighter Stops For Food During Emergency Call

A firefighter in Washington, D.C. stopped with his partner while on duty to pick up some food from Chick-fil-A even after a call came in regarding a woman having chest pains just a mile away away.

27 Comments on D.C. Firefighter Stops For Food During Emergency Call

  1. I’ll be the one to say it out loud even at the risk of hate and lies about me afterward but IDGS. I’m tired of being tolerant and Ive been tolerant too dam long and nothing gets better from it just worse so here goes in all Caps. LOOK WHO IS IN CONTROL OF THE CITY , LOOK WHO IS IN THE SENATE, CONGRESS , FIRE DEPT, POLICE DEPT , and this is ALL states, GOVERNORS, MAYORS, COUNCIL MEMBERS, EXECUTIVES AND EVEN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!! Ans most are there because of Confirmative ACTION. There I’ve said it now prove me wrong

  2. I am utterly disgusted.

    Not one, but TWO people here decided that a sandwich was more important than their job, their duty, their oath, and A HUMAN LIFE.

    Then I read the article.


    Nothing about firing BOTH, pulling their licensees, suing them for the costs of training and equipping them, and I REALLY think a jolt in prison for dereliction of duty would not be outside the pale.

    Send a good message to others, that would.



    That’s someone’s money, daughter, aunt, sister, grandma here, a creation of God Himself, NOT just another damn thing between you and lunch. SCREW your JOB, don’t you have the BASIC HUMANITY TO HELP A WOMAN IN NEED?

    If you didn’t want to HELP people, WHY IN THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THAT BADGE ON?!?!?

    YES,I’m cussing. I’ve really been trying NOT to. But DAMN these lazy fat wastes of flesh wearing an EMS uniform like it’s SOME KIND OF FUCKING COSPLAY.

    I knew some lazy folk back in the day, but not one of the people I ran with would -EVER- have diverted once dispatched for anything but a physical inability to continue like a wreck unless relieved by Command. We LIVED where we RAN, so that “woman with chest pains” could be OUR Mom.

    And getting TWO people to collude on this? OH HELL NO!

    The entire fucking DEPARTMENT would have landed on a guy like this with both feet, in a way he would have ASKED to resign once his face healed enough to form words again.

    I’d best stop here. I’ve got more and worse to say but it is what it is, ranting about it won’t help.

    But am disgusted, absolutely disgusted, with the way that this generation seems to have lost not JUST it’s professionalism, not JUST its sense of duty, not JUST any desire to do whatever job they are doing well, but they seem to have lost their decency, their dignity, their respect for life that the Lord has created.

    In short, they have surrended their humanity.

    …I know not ALL of this generation is there. I actually know SOME that came after me that still takes it seriously.

    But that so many of them have become so selfish that, from top to bottom it’s just expected behavior speaks volumes to how far and how fast our world has fallen.

    “We’re not going to make it, are we?”, is a famous movie line.

    No, when even the bit players in positions of trust act like this, I’d say it’s very unlikely we will.

  3. “there was no delay in patient care or response.”

    …just to talk about THIS prima facie false statement that should result in perjury charges, it’s possible this person might…MIGHT…think they are telling the truth.

    Even though they are not.

    …I can’t pretend to know how a modern DC FD staffs, trains, and responds, but in my li’l patch back in the day an EMS call would often be responded to by police officers (who were already in their cars), then by a “first responder” who was a Lieutenant or higher in a car with all the life support accoutrement and SCBA and fun things like this, followed by the responding ambulance that would then transport. This changed over the years where paramedic-equipped pumper companies would respond ahead of the ambulance simply because there are usually more fire companies than ambulances and they tend to be closer, but unless someone was definitively dead (a different discussion for another day) or refused transport, ALWAYS followed as quickly as possible by a transport ambulance.

    Something like this MAY be the basis for this guy’s statement. Guys were already on scene performing patient care.

    Even if so, this does NOT make that statement TRUE for one simple reason;

    EMS is NOT definitive care.

    EMS can do some helpful things, like AAA can your car; jump start your heart, plug some leaks, adjust your intake, splint a flat tire, even offer preliminary correction for some massively failed self-administered chemistry experiments at times.

    But due to space and training limitations (few municipalities can afford a vehicle equipped with an MRI, OR, and a host of doctors from hospitalers to specialists), after getting you patched and hooked up the NEXT duty is to deliver you to a DEFINITIVE care facility that has all that and more. You are STABILIZED at that point, but not CURED.

    The curing needs to be promoted in four walls.

    …because of this, ANY avoidable delay in TRAMSPORTING the patient as promptly as possible to DEFINITIVE care could change a patients outcome, could even be the difference between life and death.

    And if the ambulance is delayed a few minutes while the crew picks up a treat, that delays transport to DEFINITIVE care, delays patient contact with the highest level of medical professional, delays test, delays clot-busting drugs, and for want of a nail the shoe was lost, and so forth.

    Delaying patient care for avoidable reasons is unconscionable.

    Delaying patient care for selfish reasons is unforgivable.

    Kick them out of the profession forever. Fire them, strip their licenses for life, blackball them from ANY medical position be it changing can liners in a hospital toilet, fine them for the full cost of their training and jail them if at all possible.

    Anything less is tacit approval of what they did.

    At least make an example of them as a warning to others. Your duty is NOT negotiable, and consequences for breaching it WILL be swift and severe.

    Do that, or disband.

    Because your unserious department doesn’t deserve either public trust or public funds if you dont.

  4. Goldenfoxx
    MONDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2023, 14:06 AT 2:06 PM
    “One of the firefighters was fired, end of story.”

    I agree with you that it probably is, but it really shouldn’t be.

    One guy can be an asshole. Every profession has them.

    Two guys in the same unit indicates a permissive environment. Heads should roll ABOVE them to make sure that is never again considered acceptable behavior.

    The stakes are too high.

    Canning peons while continuing the executives that made them is what made this whole world such a mess in the first place.

    See Government for further details on why that’s a bad thing.

  5. not surprised.
    we knew this would be the result when the commies took God out of the public sphere, didn’t we?
    heaven forbid there is a Christmas tree and nativity scene in a public park, right?

  6. If I said it once I’ve said it a hundred times. when you start with dismemberment of innocent children in the womb all other crimes are moot.

    Demonrats are infested by the type of demons that say a sandwich is more important than a life.

    SNS my brother, I know this hits close to your heart, imagine for a moment the pain I feel as I watch the daily destruction of my beloved Army at the hands of commies and deviants.

    Our beautiful country is being ground to dust and we few patriots that say enough are the targets of our own pinko government.

  7. I wonder if it’s possible they recognized the address of a ‘frequent flier’, a person who regularly calls for service. Some are old and lonely, some like the attention, and some I know of personally use an ambulance as a taxi to get to town. Not saying this is the case, but it damn sure happens more than you would think.

  8. Lowell
    MONDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2023, 17:58 AT 5:58 PM

    “I wonder if it’s possible they recognized the address of a ‘frequent flier’, a person who regularly calls for service.”

    …one time, we had a woman look at a large and at the time modern collection of hastily assembled fire trucks for what proved to be a false alarm. She asked us why we didn’t just send the OLD trucks to false alarms.

    The short answer is that you don’t know which ones are false.

    Yes, people abuse the system. Yes, some people are hypochondriacs. And yes, some people are genuinely so lonely that having needles stuck in them by strangers is preferable to one more minute of the loud silence in their forlorn souls.

    That doesn’t mean the next call will be a false one.

    You wanna take that chance?

    …and patient care isn’t all broken arms and vomit. Isn’t someone lonely enough to take medical abuse in exchange for having someone paid to care about them for a little while, even if it’s some smart-ass youngster who’s going to forget about them five minutes from the hospital.

    And folks overplay their hand sometimes too.

    Sometimes the suicide gesture intended to gain attention is a bit more effective than they planned.

    Duty to the sick and injured doesn’t stop at the physical.

    And I sure as hell wouldn’t ignore a call just because I *thought* it was bullshit.

    The consequences for guessing wrong could be deadly.

  9. Cisco Kid
    MONDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2023, 15:41 AT 3:41 PM

    You are right, once one can accept infanticide, it’s hard to calculate just the right amount of sin in every lesser crime.

    But I would not liken my former situation to yours. Yours was MUCH more dire. Patients rarely tried to kill me, and fires never specifically WANTED to kill me.

    Andy emergencies were very local, where yours could have global implications.

    Still, I can see through your glass darkly, and understand why it kills you to see what the country you once bled for and the outfit you served with is turned away from what it was to something you never thought it would be.

    All we can do is keep our own hearts steady, and pray that enough of those who came up behind us remain true enough to salvage what once was and turn it once again to what it could be.

    With God’s help and grace.

  10. I was a cable splicer in dc some years back and my coworkers often (T is silent) told me; If I get hurt, DON’T CALL 911! just put me in the truck and take me to the hospital….

  11. Well Claudia my friend.
    here goes
    in the 90’s I was a paramedic in Georgia.
    My Emt was driving 70 mph down a city street for a call that was” 54 y/o female w/ chest pain.
    I told him to slow down immediately.
    he asked why. I said if you kill a kid
    #1- you are going to jail for running to fast .
    #2- the county now has 2 scenes to respond too.
    #3- I going to kick your fucking ass.
    now slow down
    needless to say he slowed down.
    Bright pretty lights do not mean your can go VROOM Vroom
    It is called Due Digilence.
    if you do not see me I am at fault.
    You are only required to give Due Diligence to my flashing lights. Many a cop and medic have gone to jail for not knowing the difference


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