D.C. Fleecing Its Citizens In Traffic Court – IOTW Report

D.C. Fleecing Its Citizens In Traffic Court

Jonathan Turley

It appears that the sequel to “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” would be Mr. Smith goes to Washington’s traffic court” . . . everyone else is. I have long written about how cities are abusing their citizens with short red-light cameras and other techniques to generate revenue through parking and speeding fines. It is a way to avoid having to raise taxes but effectively holding up citizens and then blaming them. No city however has shown the utter abandon as D.C. which raked up $1 billion in such fines in just three years. More

13 Comments on D.C. Fleecing Its Citizens In Traffic Court

  1. New Tags are needed – “No Taxation without F’ing Brains”
    Been going on for 30+ years and now they are realizing it.
    I know where Cory Booker is going to move to.
    He’ll make Marion Barry look like Einstein.

  2. My 28 year old son lives in New Orleans . He has gotten $1000’s in tickets. He never pays them. The traffic light co is in Arizona and it has been litigated that the fines are all unconstitutional. The city gets millions from the tickets anyway

  3. Lax ticket enforcement to blame…
    The new goal for DC was to generate $1 billion in one year,
    It took the police department three years to meet that goal,
    There are only 700,000 residents in DC,
    The citizens are just going to have to open their wallets wider for the city, or cut back on idiotic spending ideas.
    All citizens should have all the checks direct deposited to City treasurer,
    We will send them whatever is left over.

  4. Went with a friend quite a few years ago to DC to help deliver a load of belongings to his daughter who had just moved near there in Alexandria. As it was July 3rd we decided to check on the rehearsal for the Capitol 4th of July concert. When we finally found a parking spot on one of the side streets (we got lucky) near the capitol we happened upon a meter maid as we were exiting our vehicle. We asked for directions from her to get to the the area of the rehearsal which was on the capitol steps. We emptied our pockets of quarters to feed the meter and went on our way. When we were coming back to the car we could see a slip of paper the size of a ticket under the wiper. To our surprise, it was a very nice note apologizing as she had not given us the best directions to where we wanted to get to. Nice surprise.

  5. Local cops here are lazy, and/or think they are too important to do traffic patrol, so the majority of tickets now are via red light cameras or speed van radar. very seldom do i ever see anyone pulled-over by a cop. I have seen flagrant violations happen right in front of a patrol car, and nothing happened. Highways are even worse, since the legislature loves to balance it’s books by cutting the Oregon State Police budget. It is now possible to drive on I-5 in Oregon from California to Washington, and ever see a cop. And people drive accordingly.

  6. End of the month is “OH CRAP!” time for cops. Gots dem quotas to meet.

    Saw 3 people pulled over in my rural area. 3rd one was in the parking lot of the grocery store. Turns out cops don’t like it when you bark at them.

    Heh heh heh.


    Obama DOJ busted police chief, city managers, and municipal court for fleecing citizens by issuing tickets.

    And everybody made excuses because Michael Brown got shot and no one wanted to face reality.

    Predatory us vs them behavior, all around the country.

  8. Traffic cameras are for 90% for revenue and 10% for safety.

    Any real cop will tell you that active traffic enforcement is much more effective. It often leads to drug busts, DUI, & other more significant interventions. Sometimes even medical interventions.

    We just had a female cop quit up here and she really blasted the police services board in the papers for severely reduced active & preventative policing policies.

    Gun crime in Toronto is still small by US standards but it is now several times a week.


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