D.C. Foreign Policy Experts Call for Regime Change in Russia – IOTW Report

D.C. Foreign Policy Experts Call for Regime Change in Russia

National Pulse

A host of foreign policy “experts” are now explicitly calling for “regime change” in Russia following Vladimir Putin invading Ukraine.

Reminiscent of the establishment’s failed calls for regime change in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, whose military conflicts cost countless American lives and resources, the sentiment appears to be at odds with the majority of the country. Nearly three-quarters of Americans oppose playing a major role in the unfolding conflict. More

22 Comments on D.C. Foreign Policy Experts Call for Regime Change in Russia

  1. The Brookings Inst.? Fuck these assholes. They can’t stand the fact a leader won’t allow illegals to pour into his country, refuses to paper the streets with fiat fairy dust “money”, prefers his own corrupt oligarchs to more of the Biden/Clinton mafia and hasn’t spent the requisite billions lining the pockets of our DC scumbags like McConnell and Pelosi.

    The 2 provinces he wants are RUSSIAN. Russian population, Russian speaking and historically Russian. Plus do you blame him wanting to keep war mongers(NATO and us) off his western border? His economy is smaller than s Korea for cripes sake. Excuse the fuck outta Putin for spending his defense dollars a little wiser than our bunch.

    If you read the coverage from fake news the Ukrainians are being painted as these heroic Davids fighting another crazed & delusional Goliath. It’s all bullshit.

    Our country is so fucking off the rails, I just shake my head in disbelief.

  2. I’m no fan of Putin or any Russian leader ever, but I’m still trying to reconcile this Ukraine thing. Sure it’s great that they want to join NATO and be with the cool guys, but I can understand why Putin would be pissed and invade. Ukraine is a huge chunk of Russia and had been forever.

    How would we feel if Texas wanted to be a part of Mexico? 🤔

    God bless everyone who will die for this.

  3. I would bet that Putin is pissed that Biden got Paid by Ukraine.

    I would also bet that he is tired of everyone blaming everything on him. (Looking at You Hillary)

    I would bet that he also got intel quite a while ago that this New World Order didn’t include him and one way or another he was next.

    All that being said, I am certainly not on Russia’s side in any way.

    I also find it highly suspect that all the MSM is essentially beating a war drum.

    Best yet, COOF-19 somehow suddenly took a break realizing that we needed some time to kill each other “Old school”

    Turdeau also thinks he became relevant again and started running his mouth about Putin yet he has less ability to back up his words than he did with the Truckers.


    Lets hope it resolves soon with as little death as possible.

  4. This is political theater and we’re all being punked. Putin is a dangerous boogie man but he’s being turned on by another villian Xiden and maybe Ukraine who’s playing the victim evem though their hands are dirty.

    Xiden and his crackhead son, Hunter have corrupt dealings with Ukraine and now Xiden, his handlers, media plus Hollywood are overtly muckraking Putin – they want him gone. Ukraine would obviously benefit immensely and so would Xiden. He could have a bigger filthy footprints in Europe on his own personal advantage.

    Putin is blatantly showing his hand by “attacking” and threatening Ukraine. He wants the Russian Empire restored. Everyone knows it and Xiden is taken advantage of his bruised ego.

    At the same time, Ukrainian leaders are making questionable moves (in the middle of the threat of war) to join EU as a power broker. Makes you wonder what are Ukraine’s true motives.

    Putin is a devious tyrant who deserves no sympathy, and he’s being out played by a more cunning opponent – Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, China sits back and watches everthing play out, enjoying the show and patiently waiting to pounce.

  5. @MMinWA February 28, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    > the Ukrainians are being painted as these heroic Davids fighting another crazed & delusional Goliath

    If you believe David’s stories. That David claims he’d believe. If someone told them to him. Then… they are.

  6. We can start on June 22.

    The Brookings Inst.? Fuck these assholes. They can’t stand the fact a leader won’t allow illegals to pour into his country, refuses to paper the streets with fiat fairy dust “money”, prefers his own corrupt oligarchs to more of the Biden/Clinton mafia and hasn’t spent the requisite billions lining the pockets of our DC scumbags like McConnell and Pelosi.

    The 2 provinces he wants are RUSSIAN. Russian population, Russian speaking and historically Russian. Plus do you blame him wanting to keep war mongers(NATO and us) off his western border? His economy is smaller than s Korea for cripes sake. Excuse the fuck outta Putin for spending his defense dollars a little wiser than our bunch.

    If you read the coverage from fake news the Ukrainians are being painted as these heroic Davids fighting another crazed & delusional Goliath. It’s all bullshit.

    Our country is so fucking off the rails, I just shake my head in disbelief.

    Shut up, Jeffery. You disinformation is palpable.

  7. Wonder if these same DiploFoPo warriors will be so hardass calling for regime change and respectin’ muh borderz when Xi Jin Ping Drops in on Taiwan. I doubt it. No, wait. They’ll be calling for regime change in Taiwan and demanding that Taiwan respect China’s border.


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