Daily Beast Writer Crosses Fingers Hoping Hillary’s Presidency Will Be Scandal Free… Like Obama’s – IOTW Report

Daily Beast Writer Crosses Fingers Hoping Hillary’s Presidency Will Be Scandal Free… Like Obama’s

Yep. This douchicle thinks Obama has been “scandal free.”

IRS Abuses, Veteran’s Administration Failures, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Billions Missing From State Department, Solyndra, to name a few……………………………….. are all figments of your imagination. Go back to sleep.


11 Comments on Daily Beast Writer Crosses Fingers Hoping Hillary’s Presidency Will Be Scandal Free… Like Obama’s

  1. It is the Daily Beast after all, which is a collection of untalented, non critical thinking leftist that parrot lib talking points fed to them by a manipulative president.

    Notice that they have no comments section. Honest web sites do.

  2. Well, we could probably live with a fair number of ‘scandals’ (like affairs with interns but not the lies to cover them up). What we should NOT have to live with are the out and out multiple crimes. But what the heck, there isn’t enough evidence to actually charge anyone for high crime & misdemeanors – or something.

  3. If Obama presidency has been scandal free then there has been no presidential scandals ever.

    He got busted spying on the AP for crying out loud, remember that? It’s been constant the whole 8 years.

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