Daily Kos Announces that the BLUE WAVE IS REAL !!- What’s the evidence? – IOTW Report

Daily Kos Announces that the BLUE WAVE IS REAL !!- What’s the evidence?

The Daily Krotch is breathless over an obscure win by a centrist democrat in a Missouri district for state representative.

Mike Revis, who ran on supporting the police and first responders, education and senior benefits, won  1787-1679. IT’S A BLUE WAVE!!!

“We are totally going to win big on our agenda of transgender issues, amnesty, black lives matter and RAISING TAXES! WOO HOOOOOOOOO!” – Idiots

The Krotch failed to mention that they were 1 for 4 in the four special election races.


-Hoping for a Blue Wave the wave is here.

-A revival of sanity in the Deep South!

-No Republican is safe

-Jeez, it had to get this bad for people to see the light — and give dems a chance?

-Wow. Just wow. That’s amazing.

-I saw that on Rachel.  VERY exciting.  We have to know that this is terrifying Rcons all over the country.

And now, my favorite comment—-


Damn, he’s super handsome too!


Besides being a “super beta” comment from a cocoa boy,  here’s Mr. Handsome-

I guess for the left this is a super model.

HT/ Michelle’sBigBeaver

9 Comments on Daily Kos Announces that the BLUE WAVE IS REAL !!- What’s the evidence?

  1. Rush had a great point recently. If people are so in love with liberals and are just dying to get out and vote for them in droves in November why are the ratings on the libs award shows, ESPN, CNN, the NFL and everyone else virtue signaling liberalism while trashing Trump losing viewers and posting historically low ratings. Wouldn’t we expect the opposite?!

  2. Let’s return our government to the people:
    1. Remove all Russian influence
    2. Pass law CEO’s income is capped to more equality with employees
    3. Term limits for Senators
    4. Lobbyists to Congress illegal
    5. Minimum wage raised to $15 hr
    6. Return laws which guard our water, land
    7. Make laws to expel any Congress member or public servant who lies to public.
    8. No racist, White Supremist, KKK, Alt-right
    Nazi or Nationalist is eligible for public office

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