Dallas Police Chief: Get Off the Protest Line and Become Part of the Solution – IOTW Report

Dallas Police Chief: Get Off the Protest Line and Become Part of the Solution

BROWN:  We’re asking cops to do too much in this country.  We are.  We’re just asking us to do too much.  Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve.  Not enough mental health funding?  Let the cops handle it.  Not enough drug addiction funding?  Let’s give it to the cops.  Here in Dallas we got a loose-dog problem.  Let’s have the cops chase loose dogs.  Schools fail?  Give it to the cops.  Seventy percent of the African-American community is being raised by single women.  Let’s give it to the cops to solve that, as well.  That’s too much to ask.


7 Comments on Dallas Police Chief: Get Off the Protest Line and Become Part of the Solution

  1. Sssshhhhh. Don’t talk about how f’ed up our society is. That makes people feel like they need to take responsibility for their lives and that doesn’t fit the “government will solve all your problems” agenda.

  2. I was never a Chief Brown fan until this last horrible week.
    He has represented Dallas and his Officers well.He has been thoughtful, candid and strong.
    On the other hand you can flush our idiot Mayor down the toilet where he belongs.
    On another note; can you imagine if a white Chief used a pound of C4 to dispatch this murderer…..OMG

  3. Why let the cops handle it? Because whitey. Black man living under whitey’s system it can be no other than whitey’s problem. Remember the blacks dindu nuffin. Now get your cracker ass back to work so you can fund more EBT cards.

  4. Its a mess. Big brother raises the kids in Head Start. The parents too often think they are of the hook as far as actual child rearing. The best of them both work, but many don’t and still don’t bother to raise their children. So there the kids are… being programmed. Programmed to be users and takers instead of makers and doers. When we eliminated Psychiatric Inpatient hospitals run by the counties this set a lot of marginal people loose on the public. This leads to a lot of calls for the cops covering the same things over and over again…. The courts do nothing so they are out on the loose again immediately. Junkies, alcoholics, malcontents of all stripes, low level perps. Add it all up and we are reinforcing existing, and creating new problems, for the police. Chain gangs. ID bracelets. Forced meds. Incarceration for those who do not comply. With those tools broadly in place some of the population in jail could be released to these supplemental controls.

  5. You couldn’t pay me enough to be a cop in today’s society, especially in a large city. It is one demanding job.

    Thank goodness there are people dedicated enough to do it anyway.

  6. Chief Brown! You mean like a job?
    A job where you pay taxes and stuff?
    A job where you are held to a standard and have to perform to remain employed?
    A job where you have to pass some kind of test and pass a background investigation?
    A job where you are not allowed to sling drugs on the side?
    Man, that’s actin’ white, it’s their privilege to do dat.
    GTFO, it’s a joke right, you’re okie dokin’ us, right?

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