Dallas Police Confirm Venezuelan Gang That Took Over Aurora, CO Apartment Complex is Now Wreaking Havoc in Texas – IOTW Report

Dallas Police Confirm Venezuelan Gang That Took Over Aurora, CO Apartment Complex is Now Wreaking Havoc in Texas

Slowly but surely, Biden has turned America into a Third-World hellscape, where violent armed thugs run the streets with impunity.

According to the DailyMail, Dallas police have confirmed the dangerous Venezuelan gang that overtook apartment complexes in Aurora, CO and Chicago, IL has made its way into Texas, and is now wreaking havoc in yet another American community.

“We have had gang activity in the north Dallas area linked to the Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela,” Jennifer Pryor, the spokeswoman for the Dallas Police Department told the DailyMail in an interview. ‘Our department is collaborating with other agencies to address possible crimes linked to this and other gangs in our city,” she added. more

25 Comments on Dallas Police Confirm Venezuelan Gang That Took Over Aurora, CO Apartment Complex is Now Wreaking Havoc in Texas

  1. There’s no sign that I’ve seen that the govt’s mercenary thugs (i.e. LEOs) have made any serious moves against these invading gangs. It is now time, past time actually, for non-govt minutemen¹ to come forward to remove these violent predatory criminals. This ideally will start with SSS.

    1. The term “militia” makes libs and badge-suckers start to whimper and cry, so I’m using the term “minutemen” because it still commands a bit of respect.

  2. “There’s no sign that I’ve seen that the govt’s mercenary thugs (i.e. LEOs) have made any serious moves against these invading gangs.”

    They are protecting them. If you decide to go after these clowns realize you will be fighting YOUR government too. Venezuelan gangs are shooting up black hoods nightly now in Chicago. The only place you can find that info is on Instagram through a couple citizen journalists.

  3. fuah is right.
    In our area the Soros paid for DA announced she’s going to not charge illegals for traffic violations and now she’s going to start dismissing cases to lower the population in the local jail.
    That’s how it begins.

  4. Change the law so non-citizens don’t have the same rights under the constitution in relationship to the death penalty. Membership in a gang like these or MS !#, is an automatic death sentence.

  5. I knew there would be a civil war between Americans, but I didn’t expect it to be a war between South and North Americans. Maybe we should call our Coast Guard back from the Red Sea.

  6. ^^^^
    It’s going to be nation wide. No question. That’s why they imported 25million men of military fighting age into our country. An all out civil war and martial law is the Progressive Libtard Nazis holy Hand Grenade. No question. This sounds like an Anthony Bliken idea approved by the Halfrican.
    Remember, press the trigger, don’t squeeze it.

  7. Don’t waste time with lamp posts – shoot and move on – fire and maneuver – let em rot where they fall – if they start crying and whining that they’re severely wounded – just remember that they’re all liars.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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