Dammit– Shady Financial Dealings With Russia Have Been Uncovered – IOTW Report

Dammit– Shady Financial Dealings With Russia Have Been Uncovered

Sorry folks, it’s over for Trump. It was great while it lasted.

Oh wait…


ht/ annie

37 Comments on Dammit– Shady Financial Dealings With Russia Have Been Uncovered

  1. Yep, good luck getting the MSM, an arm of the Democratic propaganda machine, to do any kind of reporting on that. They will never, ever, do anything to make the Clintons look bad, let alone anything that might get them incarcerated in Club Fed.

    Brad–Me too, but then, I am a dirty old man and it would most likely cause Liz to have a major case of PTSD. (I aint very pretty these days)

  2. So, how come it’s taking so long for the Republican-controlled Congress to investigate all of the above?

    And Benghazi? Arms to Syria? Clinton, Obama, McCain?

    There have to be a LOT of threats coming at Trump and other Republicans from those people (and more).

  3. Liz_Wheeler: Superb

    Sen. Joe Manchin (D) asked his constituents for questions to ask former FBI Director James Comey.

    β€œI urge every West Virginian to send me your questions for Director Comey and I will do my best to ensure your questions are answered,” Manchin said in a statement posted on Twitter.

    Manchin is expected to face a tough 2018 in his deep-red state.

    I urge Joe to watch this video.

  4. Hillary must dream of being Vladimir Putin, especially when he points out that he’s not a woman. Thank goodness her handlers haven’t let her take her shirt off.

  5. Jimmy, it’s taking so long because both the Republicans and Democrats are dirty, and they all have dirt on each other. So they are in no hurry to go digging around for fear that they will themselves be exposed. Remember, Trump isn’t one of them, so the only loyalty they pay him is lip service loyalty, never true loyalty, because it would mean a massive los of their power, and politicians love power more than anything.

  6. One America News is on cable TV, also online. I like the way they report the news. Online and during the day straight news.

    OK guys, you heard it here, hey, I’m talkin’ to ya, my eyes are up here!

  7. Bad_Gurl_Zonga,

    The sight of a naked breast will drop a man blood pressure 10 points. The cup of a womans breast will drop it up to 30. I’m just saying some of you women are not stepping up.

  8. Bad_Brad:

    You are correct. That’s why I still carry smelling salts in my purse, especially on tee shirt days.

    I can drop a codger at 10 feet just taking off my sweater standing in line at the Social Security office. ; )

  9. A friend of mine had a mastectomy a couple years ago, she & her husband still go out dancing and drinking every week. Sometimes she puts her prosthesis on her back to give her husband a thrill..

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