Davey and Goliath (Episode 30 – Bully Up a Tree) – IOTW Report

Davey and Goliath (Episode 30 – Bully Up a Tree)

Here, I’ll ruin it——–>

8 Comments on Davey and Goliath (Episode 30 – Bully Up a Tree)

  1. Wow! Thanks for the blast from the past. I haven’t seen Davey and Goliath since I was a little kid back in the early 60’s on Sunday mornings before my mom took us to church. I don’t know if the Lutheran church would sponsor a wholesome program like this anymore. They’d probably be more in line now with that parody about barry and man’s country. And we all know what they were squirting at each other in that parody.

  2. Memories, yes I remember learning, without Dad or Mom, in school that the best fix for a bully is a hard punch to the face and they don’t come back. I’m not sure if our government can actually learn on the first blood draw.

  3. We ❤️ Davey and Goliath! I remember watching it at daycare.
    Up until a few years ago, we were watching it on TBN’s children’s network, Smile of a Child. I think it’s still on there, my son just outgrew it.

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