Dazed and Confused – IOTW Report

Dazed and Confused

AM: As Nancy Pelosi struggles to beat back an insurgency by her House Democratic colleagues over a string of election losses, there are new questions over her health after she suffered multiple brain freezes during a recent appearance in New York City.

During a Sunday event at the 92nd Street Y, Pelosi would awkwardly stop mid-sentence repeatedly, stare at the audience, and then continue speaking.

SNIP: The woman on the left needs to find a skirt in her own size.

29 Comments on Dazed and Confused

  1. Besides the awkward pauses, she makes no sense; it is almost like random words strung together to form sentences. And those weird hand gestures have no relation to her words. Time long past time to hang it up. God is waiting for you, and he is pissed.

  2. Time to demand Congress submit to random drug and alcohol testing.
    Also full disclosures of ALL medications taken.
    If Hilary’s Meds were made public, she’d never have been nominated.

    Half of D.C. Is on antidepressants, and 25% are serious alcoholics/druggies who couldn’t last a week with Random Testing. Ted Kennedy Syndrome is rampant.

    That would Drain The Swamp fast.

  3. Nancy is making me queasy. She ought to be in the old folks. Looks like the dnc/communist party remains in the very best of hands. they are going to implode one of these days.

  4. Once the bumper sticker talking points have been used for the 10,000th time, they lose effectiveness and nobody believes them anymore. Hence the brain freeze because there is no independent thought after they have learned the talking points.

  5. Nancy’s time is up. Her health will not allow her to continue for much longer. the problem is the demoncrap loons are likely to elect some other idiot like sheila jackson lee or maxi pad waters as minority speaker. Yes, things could get worse.

  6. That post menopausal interviewer looks like Moochelle/Lesley Jones.

    Can’t be a skirt. Looks like Micro Hot Pants are back for overweight linebacker 56XXXL black women.
    Maybe I shouldn’t be making any Cis-centric assumptions. That IS NYC.

  7. Lefties and their memorized talking points.
    Nancy is like a broken robot.

    My wife compares her to Stepford Wives, the final scenes with Paula Prentiss as a broken robot, repeating ” I thought we were friends” and dropping the cups over and over.

    (Apologies to Paula Prentiss for mentioning she and Pelousy in the same sentence)

  8. health problems my ass, she sounds fine sputtering her leftist gibberish.
    of course there is no logic to any of it, that’s why it sounds so strange.
    don’t kid yourselves, i bet she’s around for another 70 years.

    hey, how come her daughter didn’t get her big tits ?

  9. She’s wearing an earpiece, just like Hillary did during the debates. Someone off stage is giving her cues, and she has to stop to listen. Just like LBJ’s comment about Gerry Ford–he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time.

  10. No doubt this is caused by overdosing on Botox. All meds are poisonous. Some people receive benefits from them others don’t. Read all the disclaimers of all the bad things that any med has.
    I have been prescribed many meds over my lifetime that were dangerous and actually pulled from the market. One of my doctors profusely apologized.

  11. There must be a frantic search underway among the Dems for the next Young Bill Clinton.
    Some youngish under-50 white guy with a full head of hair in a Kennedy haircut, who can pretend to sound Reasonable and Concerned like WJC in ’92.

    But I hope when they finally depose Nancy it will be some shrill angry BLM/La Raza/CAIR Marxist.
    That’s the real face of the Red Democrats.

  12. In six months she’ll be back in Pacific Heights sitting in a wheel chair in front of a dining room table covered with prescription drug bottles, babbling like a loon to the staff about the load in her pampers. A fitting end to an evil hag. Ta ta you wretch.

  13. What mind she may have had has finally given out.
    Too many nights spent sucking, fucking, and blowing random longshoremen back on the Baltimore waterfront gave her more diseases than the common, dumpster-diving, methhead/prostitute of a similar era could catch in a lifetime.
    She only did it through her teens, but apparently, it was enough to affect whatever sensibilities she may have had.

    Time to go, you diseased old, dried up, brain-rattled grifter.
    Go to Hell and see if Satan can be conned as easily as a bunch of drug-addled San Fransisco faggots.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. When I heard Ted Kennedy had brain cancer, I thought “My God, that explains a LOT!” I bet Nancy has some neurological disease worming around in what’s left of her brain.

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