DC Circuit Agrees to Sullivan Request for En Banc Hearing – IOTW Report

DC Circuit Agrees to Sullivan Request for En Banc Hearing

CTH: The full bench of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington DC has agreed to consider whether judge Sullivan should be forced to dismiss a felony charge against Michael Flynn.  The insanity continues.

Everything about this case has been bizarre including Judge Sullivan’s refusal to accept the unopposed motion to dismiss the case. Now the full DC Circuit panel will hear arguments about why Sullivan should be allowed to continue the case without DOJ prosecution. more

15 Comments on DC Circuit Agrees to Sullivan Request for En Banc Hearing

  1. If they agree to allow the case to continue, then a change of venue is certainly in order because Sullivan has clearly shown he is not an impartial arbiter of justice.

    Then, once it goes to another court, the charges get dropped. That is, of course, if the the Constitution still means anything.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but As I understand it, the circuit court will decide if the three judge panel was wrong in ordering Sullivan to dismiss the case, “before he had made his decision to do so”, so, if Sullivan “wins” at circuit, he just has to “make his decision”. With no time limit to do so. Is that about it?

  3. How does Judge Sullivan have standing to appeal the appeal’s court’s initial ruling? Sullivan is not an injured party to the case. As a judge, he should have no stake in the outcome regarding Flynn, so how can he be a damaged party?


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