DC Police Chief Seeks To Make Fence Permanent Around “The People’s House” – IOTW Report

DC Police Chief Seeks To Make Fence Permanent Around “The People’s House”


The reality of DC elites demanding walls to protect them from the common American is a stunning shift in outlook from when the U.S. Capitol used to be considered “the people’s house.”   Alas the voices are now asking for exactly that… a permanent fence to keep the American people away from those who run government. More

20 Comments on DC Police Chief Seeks To Make Fence Permanent Around “The People’s House”

  1. “DC Police Chief Seeks To Make Fence Permanent Around “The People’s House”

    LOL…..it is no longer the ‘people’s house’, except for the fact that ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ pay for everything….even our own screwing.

  2. I’ll SEE their fence, and raise ’em a WALL – completely SURROUNDING the SWAMP!

    We won’t bother them, and nothing in there is EVER allowed to escape! Politicians, silly laws, tax increases, etc.

    SlowJoe & Pe-LOUSY yoked to a mule & plowing the swamp to plant crops, oughta make a FINE photo-op! 🤣🤣🤣

  3. You all seem to have misunderstood. Walls don’t work to protect ordinary citizens or populist leaders. They only work to protect elitist pricks. When an ordinary citizen or a populist leader wants a wall it is inhumane to those it keeps out. When an elitist prick wants a wall it is for the wellbeing of humanity.

  4. “DC Police Chief Seeks To Make Fence Permanent Around “The People’s House””

    So was the Left lying when they said walls were bad when Trump was President, or are they lying now that Joe is (allegedly)?

  5. Let them wall themselves in then cut off the fossil fuel electricity and fossil fuel delivered and produced foods and let the green energy morons figure out how to survive. They are pushing green so lets see how they make it work.


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