De Blasio Adding Third Gender To NYC Birth Certificates – IOTW Report

De Blasio Adding Third Gender To NYC Birth Certificates


Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday signed a bill that adds a third gender category on birth certificates issued in New York City.

The new non-binary identity category, known as X, is for those who don’t consider their gender to be male or female.

A letter from a physician or an affidavit by a licensed health care provider will no longer be provided.

Residents can now submit their own affidavit requesting a change in gender identity.

“New Yorkers should be free to tell their government who they are, not the other way around,” de Blasio said. “This new legislation will empower all New Yorkers – especially our transgender and gender non-binary residents – to have birth certificates that better reflect their identity, and it furthers the City’s commitment to defending the rights of our LGBTQ community.”

“For the first time, all New Yorkers will be able to get a birth certificate that reflects and affirms their lived reality,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “We will not stop there— we strive to extend that dignity to every aspect of life. We will stand strong against any attempt to deny members of the LGBTQ community the respect or safety they deserve as fellow human beings.”


ht/ fdr in hell

21 Comments on De Blasio Adding Third Gender To NYC Birth Certificates

  1. Went to Target today to get the kids some clothes. Don’t bother. They no longer have a boys and girls section. It’s all mixed together. Makes shopping faster when you give up after 30 seconds and walk out empty handed.

  2. “I can’t do this right now” says the Marxist scumbag, and THEN runs away, under WEAPON goon protection.

    DiBlasio working out in Crooklyn:

    Notice how the meek and mild older person was USED for the Marxist behind the camera.

    Ted Cruz should pick up on this…getting harassed in a private setting.

    Left EATING left.

    I am NOT X. It should be more like Y as in WHY. Y must be very offended btw…


  3. It is a profound Lawlessness that exists in Society when people no longer abide within the dictates of their own Biology. Leftism does this with every issue; there is a violation of a fundamental reality, an assault on how the Created World really works.

  4. “The new non-binary identity category, known as X”

    What a coincidence. “X” is also what I will be writing in the little boxes next to Republican candidates on my ballot in November.

  5. In retrospect I’m not entirely certain that I would want my mentally ill parents to arbitrarily select my gender based on anything less than my apparent biology

  6. Is this option for adults who have become, over time, confused about their sexual identity? Or, is this for new parents unable to make a decision at birth of their infant?

    If the latter, how sad for the (normal) kid to have to carry around that stupid birth certificate his entire life. …Lady in Red

  7. “Well, sir, we looked at our newborn’s genitals and we couldn’t tell.”

    “So, you marked ‘X’ on the form?”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “Where exactly did you look, again?”

    (Points to buttocks.)

    “I see. In that case, ‘X’ stands for Democrat.”


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