de Blasio drives a steak knife through New York’s heart – IOTW Report

de Blasio drives a steak knife through New York’s heart

The Federalist: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pledged a final blow to the city’s dying restaurants, promising to keep restrictions prohibiting indoor dining in place until next year.

“If folks miss the theater, if they miss the indoor dining, those things will be back,” de Blasio said, before qualifying, “they’ll be back next year at some point” in response to a question Monday over fears about the mass exodus of wealthy constituents fleeing the city and taking their tax dollars with them.

That leaves struggling restaurants facing even higher uncertainty this fall as temperatures drop, making outdoor dining, the saving grace for shut-down establishments, unappetizing for patrons uncomfortable eating out in cold weather. The average temperature in New York City for October can range from 57 to 47 degrees. It goes from 47 to 38 in November. more here

19 Comments on de Blasio drives a steak knife through New York’s heart

  1. Talk radio here is Sacramento just said half of the store fronts in San Fransisco are now out of business do to my corona.
    They also announced that San Fransisco is currently surrounds on three side by wildfires. If I’m not mistaken the fourth side is the Pacific ocean. So there is hope.

  2. How does that old saw go: “You get the leadership you deserve”.

    You elected de Blasio. What were you thinking?
    If you survive this you had better think before you vote next time.

  3. New York City asked for it.
    New York City got it.
    New York City can live with it.
    OR New York City can die with it.

    The simple fact that they haven’t yet killed him is all the necessary evidence that they (New York City-ers) are slaves at heart.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Di Blasio is a madman. He has been on a mission to destroy NYC and remake it into a socialist hellhole. He has succeeded. Greatness is so hard to build, but so easy to destroy. And di blasio has done it.

    New York City has been relegated to the worst of the 1970s. (Among other things, organized crime will now grow like weeds again, filling the void left by police.)

    The only reason NYC became great again was because of the confluence of Rudy Giuliani becoming mayor and Donald Trump re-inventing Manhattan. That goofball Bloomberg rode Rudy’s coat tails for the most part (like bill clinton rode Reagan’s economic coat tails). Di Blasio has undone it all.

    It’ll take a miracle of a Rudy and a PDJT to come to the front at the same time. Good luck.

  5. The video last week of a driver driving through Manhattan with every store boarded up and NO pedestrians kinda says it all. And they ain’t boarded up because of the Chinese flu.

    Couple that with the column the other explaining why AB(after bandwidth) means most employers are finding it easier to work from home and without the onerous overhead incurred leasing space in these high rents districts. They ain’t coming back.

    With all of the restaurants, shops, galleries, museums, Broadway, sports’ venues…closed, the tourist millions is also cut off as well as how many 1,000s of jobs.

    “splain” to me Lucy how NY comes back.

    Hey, he was elected fair and square. Or should I say good and hard?

  6. Fine, if he was willing to suspend property tax, business tax, booze tax…

    He,and all politicians in locked down cities should cut their own pay by 50% as a sign of solidarity but most likely they will give themselves a raise due to the extra cost of doing business in the Plandemic.

  7. The Muslim Terrorist Pilots tried, but only Warren Wilhelm has succeeded in destroying New York City. The biggest tenant of the re-built WTC has announced that they are switching to virtual offices.

  8. Racer X – The loss of revenue to the city will be devastating.

    Aaaaaannnnnd considering the way a Socialist thinks, they’ll just suck more out of the ones who stay to get the revenue. Any way you slice it, that’s a losing proposition! They’re in a death spiral to Venezuela! What the Communists get out of it is a guaranteed voter base of dumbed-down parasites reduced to their lowest level of Suck as the good people get the fuck outta Dodge! What we cannot and must not do is underwrite them with Federal dollars. This will only embolden them and drag the rest of us down with them! As far as Chicom front companies owning port cities, legislation, if it does not already exist, can be written to prevent this… so long as there is Conservative leadership in the White House and Senate.

  9. NYC will die if another commie is elected mayor. It will make detroit and chicago look like paradise.

    Another state that has a city with or near a large port will take its place. And that city better start making some phone calls. lol

  10. Our local annual Spokane Interstate Fair has been cancelled for next month. And they want to have a virtual fair with nobody allowed to attend the Fair. I don’t know how they’re going to pull that one off. Will they also have virtual carnival rides and virtual Fair food as well? And what about the Peruvian flute players who are always there, who we make fun of every year because of that Southpark episode. Idiots all, I want my country and my freedom back now.


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