de Blasio: Michael Bloomberg Would Be ‘Laughed Out’ of 2020 Race – IOTW Report

de Blasio: Michael Bloomberg Would Be ‘Laughed Out’ of 2020 Race


Breitbart: New York City Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio claimed Friday night that former Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be “laughed out” of the 2020 presidential race should he run.

De Blasio, in a Friday night appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, bashed his billionaire mayoral predecessor and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz — both of whom have been floated as potential 2020 presidential contenders.

“Listen to this: two billionaires [telling] everyday Americans why we can’t afford for them decent healthcare,” said de Blasio. “That’s bankrupt! They are going to be laughed out the race.”  read more

7 Comments on de Blasio: Michael Bloomberg Would Be ‘Laughed Out’ of 2020 Race

  1. “… why we can’t afford for them …”

    Catch the “we?”
    And the “them?”
    A Freudian slip that exposes the hypocrisy of, not just the man, but of socialism in general.
    A dichotomy to be exploited by the “masters” over the “slaves.”

    Free enterprise allows “them” to afford their own “healthcare” you stupid fucking moron.

    izlamo delenda est …


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