Dear Millennial 0xygen thieves – IOTW Report

Dear Millennial 0xygen thieves

From D.C.Clothesline

November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to be announced later that evening. Fueled by misinformation and fake polls from the likes of Huffington Post and CNN, the thought that Hillary Clinton might be defeated never even crossed your minds.

You went to the polls, some of you for the very first time, and cast your votes for someone sheerly based on her possession of a vagina.

Because you’ve always received a sticker just for turning in your homework, because you scorn those who think differently as uneducated hicks, and because you don’t understand the word “no,” the shock was palpable when the electoral map began to turn red. <snip>

Give me a freakin’ break, Snowflakes.

Where were you when Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole the primary by colluding against Bernie Sanders? Seriously, that would have been the time to protest. When you were screwed by your own party, you didn’t set things on fire and burn effigies of Hillary Clinton, who is very possibly the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. If you didn’t protest that debacle, it’s pretty hypocritical to protest now.

How do you think working class Americans felt when Obama got re-elected and we knew that he’d be demanding more than our mortgage payments each month for a crappy health care system that doesn’t even actually pay for anything unless your bills exceed $5000? I haven’t been happy with my choices at the polls for decades, but I’ve never wept, feverishly looked up the number for the suicide hotline, refused to function, or set things on fire.

Grow up. We don’t always get our way. This is reality and sometimes we don’t like it. <snip>

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.

You should be angry about the fact that you have not been adequately prepared for life.

You should be angry about the fact that you are now paralyzed with “fear” because society has made you this way.

You should be angry about the fact that no one has ever taught you coping mechanisms.

Life is not fair. We don’t always get a sticker. Sometimes, we actually lose a game.

Losing an election is not a threat to your existence – it is how life goes for a percentage of America every four years. <snip>

Believe it or not, we have some things in common. I understand wanting to change the world and make it a better place. This is the very reason why I do what I do. But I know that my actions lead places, and I try to think this through before taking them. I reflect on the consequences.

And that’s what you missed when you drank a double shot of the Mainstream Media Koolaid and emotionally reacted to your candidate’s loss. You didn’t think about the consequences because, in your pampered life, there have never been any consequences.

Read the rest here

16 Comments on Dear Millennial 0xygen thieves

  1. That’s very good. But those easily-hurt thumb suckers will never get the point.
    Hard labor use to be a cure for weak links like these. After busting rocks for a few years they might try to get their minds right. I don’t know of any other way.

  2. I’m looking for investors in my new franchising opportunity: “Soylent Rainbow”.

    Our byline is: “We’ll make the problematic go away”.

    If you have one mill… I mean one billion dollars in liquid assets, contact me.

  3. Thank you Claudia, good one. Too bad the Helpless Anger Monkeys won’t read it.

    Veterans Day was yesterday. Can you even imagine any of these creatures with the bravery, strength, and resolve needed to take Omaha Beach?
    (Not an original thought)

  4. I read the news today, oh boy
    About a lucky man who made the grade
    And though the news was rather glad
    Well I just had to laugh
    at all the looney people.
    Where do they all come from?
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
    Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.
    They will all be employed people.

    apologies to Lennon/McCartney

  5. Perhaps one solution to these “nothing to do but weep and burn things” zombies, is to bring back the Selective Service System, start drafting them, no college deferments, no Conscientious Objectors, no checking the gay boxes, no one allowed to fail the physicals, just kiss mummy and dada goodbye and see them again in 4 yrs if you survive. Also, any more rebelling and its off to Rikers and every other hard time penitentiary for time in ten year increments. Thanks Obama for no one excused for their gender or sexual preferences.

  6. Excellent article. In fact, it made me reflect upon how I handled both of barry’s elections. Being so horribly depressed, I went and replenished my reloading supplies. I felt much better then.

  7. i watched the Bad Brad link on FB and ooo my wittle fiddle just strained for one toot. That overgrown mama’s boy needs to have a Marine daddy take him to the woodshed, even though he is in his 40s, the damned drama queen! maybe he will find his way to the roof of his building and heave his carcass over the edge. Leap of Faith, old boy. Your Goddess of Buttsmack will catch you, toots.

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