Dear Police and Fire Department: Let the Left Kill Themselves If They Want To – IOTW Report

Dear Police and Fire Department: Let the Left Kill Themselves If They Want To

An “Abolish ICE” protest in Ohio featured a woman hoisted 30 feet in the air on a tripod suspended above some dude shackled in duct tape.

You can’t buy this kind of entertainment, especially if the woman fell on top of the duct taped dude. That’s a win/win.

Don’t kill our fun. We want MORE of this. It’s why Trump was elected.


ht/ C. Steven Tucker


19 Comments on Dear Police and Fire Department: Let the Left Kill Themselves If They Want To

  1. “They say she’s not coming down until action is taken.”

    It doesn’t appear that she is bothering anyone. Just ignore her and go on about the business of rounding up and deporting illegal alien invaders.

  2. These antics are adding up in costs for police/fire dept resources, time lost of innocent bystanders stuck in blocked traffic, imagine the paperwork alone for each dirtbag they arrest.

    No, it’s not your 1st A right to obstruct traffic and/or damage property as a means of civil protest. Until city officials clamp down and start keeping them in jail until they pay for damages, consider them emboldened.

  3. I just like the part where more than one person decided transporting and then erecting a giant wooden tripod was the way to go.

    “BRILLIANT idea Star-Hug, a giant tripod with Cathy dangling from the middle will BLOW THEIR MINDS!!!”

    I figure duct tape man was a low rent protester trying to steal Cathy’s spotlight.

  4. Put one of those airbags stuntmen use to jump off buildings and just yank the thing down. I’d vote for no airbag, but the first responders can’t be so brusque.

  5. wow…… don’t mention these people to legal immigrants.

    All I did was go to the mercadita, (not a bodega) to get a Coke. I mentioned this crazy skirt and BAM!!!!! 2 minute long diatribe in Spanish about Trump, ICE, immigration and possibly windshield wipers…. not sure as the old lady behind the counter was speaking pretty fast…

    then she threw up her hands…

    Anyway, you can get a litre of Coke in a glass bottle for a buck 89.


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