DEBUNKED: Obama’s Lies About Trump Economy – IOTW Report

DEBUNKED: Obama’s Lies About Trump Economy

Steven Crowder debunks all the leftist lies about Trump’s booming economy.

10 Comments on DEBUNKED: Obama’s Lies About Trump Economy

  1. I just read a comic strip this morning — I can’t remember where, or I’d link — but the punchline was basically this:

    “Yeah, obama made this economic boom possible the way slavery made emancipation possible.”

  2. I saw a question on Quora yesrday asking if President Trump really lowered unemployment for black. Tan at were three answers, all of them saying that 5he economy was in great shape because it was booming under Obama and that Trump just has managed to not screw it up.

  3. Barry’s business card:
    Front: Professional Snake-Oil Salesman

    ISIS JV Team Sponsor
    Shovel Ready Chicken Manure
    Dog meat
    Arms Dealers
    Communists Hired
    Knows Hu to bow to…..and Wen!
    Records hidden
    Cash for Clunkers
    Teleprompters read
    Bullgarian spoken
    Peace Prizes stolen
    Recovery Summers available
    Enemies bowed to
    Allies insulted
    Terrorists coddled
    Al-Qaeda “decimated”
    Benghazi Riced
    Treasuries looted
    Government agencies weaponized
    The American People lied to
    Fingers pointed
    Bushes blamed
    Red Lines drawn
    Maroon-Lines drawn
    Fuchsia-Lines drawn
    Monuments Barrycaded
    Healthcare Grubered
    Ferguson Community Organized
    Healthcare destroyed
    Insidious Political Activities Hatched
    Political candidates spied on
    Phones tapped
    Phone and email records seized
    Manned Space Programs shut down
    Military fucked
    Veterans fucked
    Americans fucked
    Israel fucked
    Accomplishments of others stolen
    Birthday cakes made with 100% “Scandal Free” ingredients,
    Topped with Arrogance and Labeled: “Just 2 Good 4 U”
    Call 1-800 EAT IT!!

    (Get 30% off: use codeword: “Jeramiah Wright´s Jug-Eared, Purple-Lipped “God-Damn-America”-hating, Marxist Muzlim Mallard”)

  4. You’d have to be as clueless as a typical democrat to believe Obozo has anything to do with this economy {other than putting the nation in the ditch and clearing the way for Trump.


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