Deep Space Thoughts, with Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Deep Space Thoughts, with Kamala Harris


There are two administration officials, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg, who are in a consistent state of competition with each other, about who can assemble 50 words into a 500-word speech.  The competition has been a back-and-forth contest for several years; however, Kamala’s latest entry might be hard for Pete to beat.  WATCH:

14 Comments on Deep Space Thoughts, with Kamala Harris

  1. They try so hard to pusedo intellectualize this imbecilic commie bint.

    They think her spewing a collection of fake complex sentences makes her sound serious and intelligent, but she is just a half trained monkey on a teleprompter.

    She does not know how to speak a basic coherent sentence, when to pause, what words to place emphasis on, the proper use of pronouns or adjectives, or the rhythm of public speaking. In short she confuses sequence with linkage. No verb tense agreement.

    She merely strings out the word salad pychobabble and tries to synchronize them with her herkey jerkey body posture and gestures.

    She fails at all of it because she is an idiot in the truest sense of the term.

    We have a senile pedophile and narcissistic cunt as resident and vice resident. Both are border line retards.

    We are so screwed as a nation.

  2. When you think about it, she has quite a talent. Our own fuck-knuckle son of fnord has the same talent; the ability to speak (or write)where after being delivered, the audience in unison has that glazed-over look and collectively says,”What the hell did she (he) just say?” Gobbledegook at its finest.

    I’m struggling to think of anyone in the last decade that has minced so many words together with so little effect.

  3. I find it amazing that there are so many people so dumb as to not understand what she is saying. Thank God there is more of us “81 million” than of you.

  4. @Elections have consequences August 14, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    Idiot, we understand perfectly fine what she says. You apparently missed the point of this thread. What she says in 500 words could be easily and more effectively said in 50 words. Her speech writers are pseudo-intellectuals who think more words must mean more brains. She demonstrates plenty of the former and little of the latter.

  5. I could give a shit what she says, it’s all crap. What kills me is the condescending nasal delivery complete with head nod like she’s a 2nd grade teacher, for everything she says. And that laugh, good Lort, please give me strength.


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