Deep State Prepping for Its Worse Case Scenario – IOTW Report

Deep State Prepping for Its Worse Case Scenario


Former President Donald Trump has plans to radically reshape the federal government if he returns to the White House, from promising to deport millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to abolishing government agencies and firing tens of thousands of workers and replacing them with loyalists.

Liberal organizations in Washington are backing President Joe Biden and say they expect Trump to lose. But they’re quietly trying to install roadblocks just in case. More

14 Comments on Deep State Prepping for Its Worse Case Scenario

  1. What he also needs is Republicans in the House and Senate to back him up. He’s already gonna have his hands full dealing with the administrative state goons — he doesn’t need to be fighting a two-front war with his supposed “allies” as well.

  2. Trump makes a lot of promises. He might even intend to keep them. But as for “reforming” the fed gov…NEVER gonna happen. They’ll kill him long before they allow him to threaten their gravy train.

  3. “A lot of this (is) about good governance,” said Ben Olinsky”…

    I think they spelled his name wrong. 🤔

    We currently live in a Dictatorship of the Loud Minority. Anything else could/would be better.

  4. Those “roadblocks” won’t mean a damn thing if the Supreme Court overturns the 2020 election of Biden and Trump gets elected the very next day.

    Timing is everything!

  5. He shouldn’t voice the things he plans to, that is a big part of the problem, to much information. The people that hate him know all his plans and are doing all they can to stop him and yes even murder. Pray long and loud for Donald, this nation and yourself. The Lord is our only hope…

  6. C’mon… We should know by now that with the satanic cabal that runs DC, The Narrative and the law are as fluid as the contents of a Port-o-Potty tank. All the executive power and privilege enjoyed by Obama and Biden will magically disappear with Trump, just like last time. All of a sudden, he won’t have the power to fire senior executive branch officials. Lawsuits in the corrupt DC federal courts will fly and every single thing Trump orders will be “stayed” with an instantaneous and utterly bullshit court order. And if the deep state engineer for the dipshit GOP to lose the House and the Senate, then Trump will be out on his ass within a months. They’ll quickly impeach and convict on the lamest of cases.

    The only way Trump could accomplish anything would be through a coalition of red state red governors. But it’s questionable if Trump’s team is capable of pulling off such a nuanced plan without screwing it up for clicks or political cash. I mean Trump still has that complete asshole Laura Loomer on his team.

  7. Not only does our government have WAY too much power, but we also have more government than we can afford. Systemic corruption and government waste are the main reasons we are bankrupt. Washington DC is full of federal government employees who think we can spend our way out of bankruptcy. (Don’t try that at home!) President Trump needs to scale the federal government back to bare necessity and pay down the debt.


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