Deep State Teams Turn On Each Other Over “Kill List” Given To Taliban – IOTW Report

Deep State Teams Turn On Each Other Over “Kill List” Given To Taliban

Conservative Treehouse:

There are two puzzle pieces that help to make sense of the Politico report about “U.S. Officials” giving the Taliban a list of American and U.S. Afghan names to allow through the checkpoints. {GO DEEP 1 and GO DEEP 2}  However, if you don’t understand the two dueling power teams -each attempting to position- it doesn’t make sense.

Remember, the State Dept (DoS) and CIA are one team.  The White House and Pentagon are another team…

…Both teams are highly political. However, the State Dept/CIA team consider themselves above political changes; essentially the deeper Deep State.

With the DoS/CIA aligned with CNN/WaPo, when the Pentagon needs to defend their specific interests in crisis management, they must go elsewhere, hence Politico. More

10 Comments on Deep State Teams Turn On Each Other Over “Kill List” Given To Taliban

  1. Dysfunctional teams are the direct reflection of the dysfunctional, grinning imbecile in charge! Willfully turning over the database of American names and allies, along with 600,00 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft and 85 BILLION U.S. Dollars to the enemy by this Jackass makes the Rosenbergs look like pikers!

  2. Tony R
    AUGUST 27, 2021 AT 12:03 PM
    “Exactly what more will it take to rid of us Traitor Joe?”

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
    -Declaration Of Independence

  3. …I would encourage you to read this entire 30 year old article, then compare what is described to the world as it is now..

    “It may sound strange to say that a $45,000 Italian sports car reaffirmed my belief in America, but, as I said, it’s all part of Western Civilization and here we were in America, the apogee of that fine trend in human affairs. And, after all, what have we been getting civilized for, all these centuries? Why did we fight all those wars, conquer all those nations, kidnap all those Africans, and kill all the Indians in the Western Hemisphere? Why, for this! For this perfection of knowledge and craft. For this conquest of the physical elements. For this sense of mastery of man over nature. To be in control of our destinies—and there is no more profound feeling of control over one’s destiny that I have ever experienced than to drive a Ferrari down a public road at 130 miles an hour. Only God can make a tree, but only man can drive by one that fast. And if the lowly Italians, the lamest, silliest, least stable of our NATO allies, can build a machine like this, just think what it is that we can do. We can smash the atom. We can cure polio. We can fly to the moon if we like. There is nothing we can’t do. Maybe we don’t happen to build Ferraris, but that’s not because there’s anything wrong with America. We just haven’t turned the full light of our intelligence and ability in that direction. We were, you know, busy elsewhere. We may not have Ferraris, but just think what our Polaris-missile submarines are like. And, if it feels like this in a Ferrari at 130, my God, what can it possibly feel like at Mach 2.5 in an F-15? Ferrari 308s and F-15s—these are the conveyances of free men. What do the Bolshevik automatons know of destiny and its control? What have we to fear from the barbarous Red hordes?”

    -P.J.O,’Rourke, “Ferrari Reinvents Manifest Destiny: P.J. O’Rourke and a Ferrari 308GTS”

  4. This has gone from impeachment to outright treason.

    Have you seen the video where the Taliban are picking through HUGE stacks of $100 bills? There’s millions of dollars in the video. The money, and the kill list take this up to more serious charges.

  5. So both “teams” are corrupt entities full of corrupt tools.
    Let them shoot at each other in the media.
    The Dirty Dem party should start getting involved in the step family spat too.


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