Deep Stater John Brennan Claims Bureaucrats ‘Protect Our Liberties, Freedom, & Democracy’ – IOTW Report

Deep Stater John Brennan Claims Bureaucrats ‘Protect Our Liberties, Freedom, & Democracy’

Daily Caller: Former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan apparently believes that it is the unelected government officials who keep American democracy safe.

In a Tuesday tweet, Brennan applauded the “courageous patriots” throughout the military and civil service who supposedly keep democracy safe.

“As in previous times of National peril, we rely on our military, diplomats, intelligence officials, law enforcement officers, & other courageous patriots to protect our liberties, freedom, & democracy. May they stay resolute & strong despite corrupt political headwinds they face,” Brennan tweeted in an apparent reference to the current impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

That prompted Fox News host Tucker Carlson to comment, “Got that? Unelected bureaucrats uphold, wait for it, democracy. Elected officials subvert democracy. In John Brennan’s Orwellian world, the most pressing and imminent threat to this republic is voters.” more here

22 Comments on Deep Stater John Brennan Claims Bureaucrats ‘Protect Our Liberties, Freedom, & Democracy’

  1. We live in a tyranny by bureaucracy. Unelected, unionized bureaucrats treat citizens like we work for them, and since the court ruled that their jobs are property, it’s almost impossible to fire them.

  2. John Bennan’s DTS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) actually fueled him to do crimes to the state that he had promised to protect! This is a sick man! Lock him up…Either in a prison or the crazy farm.

  3. Does John Brennan really think that if his coupe is successful some Red Neck Patriot is not going to take him, and the rest for that matter, out? Watch your smelly ass John. You have no idea the shit you’ve stepped in.
    Disclaimer, I’m a comedian, don’t Red Fag me.

  4. we rely on our military, diplomats, intelligence officials, law enforcement officers, & other courageous patriots to protect our liberties, freedom, & democracy

    Tru dat

  5. WTF?

    Americans are slaves today.

    The US collapse is not happening on some distant planet in the distant future. The collapse is happening right now and you just need to go outside to see it.

    During the Great Leap Forward in China, Chinese from the cities were sent to the countryside to farm. Birds were killed and then insects ate the crops. Officials lied about the production quotas and when millions starved to death, the government censored the news and blocked roads so that no one could escape.

    Now the USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state and no one can talk about the US decline.

    Soviet gulags, Nazi concentration camps, and Cambodian killing fields were real. Tyranny is real and it’s happening again.

    Americans walk around in some alternate universe now thinking that the US is not declining, they are immune from the police state, and tyranny only applies to other people.

    Tyranny means that you have no choice. Do you think that you can opt-out when a black van pulls up to your house and black-clad DHS agents break down your door? Everyone using this website is on a watchlist.

    By refusing to resist and staying quiet about NSA wiretapping, Americans admitted that they are just animals with no rights.

    Do you really believe curfews, gun bans, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm don’t exist?

    You can blame the elites for the US decline, but do have any responsibility at all for remaining silent?

    Do you think that endless US wars, tyranny, and record debt might be related? Do think that the 1% will restore the Bill of Rights on their own? Would you trust the globalists if they said that they did?

    Aren’t you just a little concerned?


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