Def Sec Austin Infected With COVID Despite Triple Vax Injections, Face Mask, Shield Use – IOTW Report

Def Sec Austin Infected With COVID Despite Triple Vax Injections, Face Mask, Shield Use

National File:
Biden regime Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been infected with symptomatic COVID-19 despite receiving three vaccine injections.

It appears that a mask, face shield, and three injections of the COVID-19 vaccines were not sufficient to prevent Biden regime Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin from being infected with the coronavirus.

“I tested positive this morning for COVID-19. I requested the test today after exhibiting symptoms while at home on leave,” Austin said in a statement late Sunday. “My symptoms are mild, and I am following my physician’s directions.” more here

34 Comments on Def Sec Austin Infected With COVID Despite Triple Vax Injections, Face Mask, Shield Use

  1. Since the claim that the vax and it’s various boosters prevent Covid have now been thoroughly debunked, the claim is that the vax will reduce symptoms. For a virus that, for most people, has very mild symptoms. Thus there is no way to prove or disprove the efficacy of the vax.

  2. What kind of an example is this guy setting for the troops hiding behind masks + shield?

    He’s an Equal Opportunity hire.

    Austin and Miley are a toxic disaster.

  3. If someone tells him a plastic bag over his head and tightly sealed around the neck is the most effective shield against the crud, he’d probably would try it. Not misinformation, it is 100% effective. Kind of surprised Fauci hasn’t told us about this.

  4. Whoppiecushion Goldberg just tested positive for the NOT CHINESE BIOWEAPON THAT OCCURRED NATURALLY (as per her politics)

    Fingers crossed she drops dead & Takes Joyless BeGar with her straight to HELL.

  5. Lolol what a brave gladiator. And just in time for the 1/6 theatrical production. Sit your ass down at home and enjoy the show on TV, Lloyd. I hope all of your fellow frauds get coofed up before Thursday.

  6. Now he can Jerk Off at home rather than in the office with Milley and the Giant pic on the wall of Rachel Levine (ass. health sec usa)

  7. His shield just knocks those pesky virus right out of the way! And his mask just traps those nasty, sub-micron particles and lock’s ’em up for good! And the triple vax protects his whole being from those bad boys and makes his whole immune system sing and dance healthy tune!

    What a guy!

    Huh? He’s sick with COVID?

    Never mind.

  8. Funny how that blue gummed purple lipped pronoun spouting asshole can request a test but people line up for hours to get tested. Fuck him and his fucking face shield. Sorry, that’s the navy coming out.

  9. “Masque of the Red Death,” anyone?
    Didn’t save Prospero, won’t save these assholes.
    And both the “Red Death” and “CoVid” are fiction!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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