Defense Secretary Austin says military not ‘soft’ – IOTW Report

Defense Secretary Austin says military not ‘soft’

Just The News:

Defense Secretary Austin responds to criticism about ‘woke’ recruiting, says military not ‘soft’.

Austin also said he won’t “lose one minute of sleep” over what China, Russia are doing.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is deflecting criticism by GOP lawmakers, conservatives and others that the U.S. military’s latest efforts to be inclusive and attract a more diverse force is weakening America’s security.

Austin made the comments in a CNN interview aired Memorial Day in which he also suggested he wasn’t concerned about what the leaders of China and Russia are doing.

“I will not lose one minute of sleep about what the Chinese leadership is saying or what (Russian President) Vladimir Putin is saying,” Austin said. “What I will focus on, and what I am focused on is the defense of this nation, and making sure that we have what’s needed to be successful.” READ MORE

28 Comments on Defense Secretary Austin says military not ‘soft’

  1. The left is turning our military into the Armed Soy-vices. Obumphuk continues its emasculation and degradation through his side-kick Mini-Me

    Austin may not lose a minute of sleep, but every patriot will.

  2. I prefer warrior generals that kill the enemy in large numbers to pentagon pussycats that like their affirmative action bellyrubs.

    I have a little puppy that likes the belly rubs.

    The general we need is a tough nut. A warrior. And not the rainbow kind.

    Fuck off. Asshole. Go join a gay pride parade or something. Serious people are doing serious work. Your input is of no value whatsoever.

  3. We need Patton.

    Not Pansyassed Pentagon fruitcake pieces of rear echelon quivering homos that have a countdown to full military retirement on their desk calendars.

    Talk about the swamp? This shitweasel IS the Swamp.

  4. “I will not lose one minute of sleep about what the Chinese leadership is saying“

    Says the guy who can’t even get a meeting with the Chicoms. Call ‘em racist, Austin. That’ll show them.

  5. I retired from the military in 2004. I worked as a military contractor for 10 years. The military was soft my last 2 years and got increasingly softer the longer I was a contractor. I am worried about who is currently on active duty.

  6. Quite honestly. I have never been more afraid for this country and our people as I am right now.

    I recognize that even the second amendment is insufficient to hold back what is about to strike us very soon.

    It pains me to say it.

  7. General Austin is a general asshole. He had better start spending time on what the Chinese and Russians, and Iranians are saying and doing. He had better spend time on what our allies are saying and doing for that matter.

    All of it has an impact on our defenses. Where the fuck did they find that nincompoop?

    And then, in Tulsa, Bidet gets propped up on his rostrum and says White Supremacists are the biggest threat facing America? He must think that WS have nuclear armed ballistic missiles aimed at him. The man (if I dare call him that) is going to get us in a lot of trouble. With him as president and Austin as SoD. we are truly fucked.

    I usually don’t use the F-word here, but we are really fucked with Bidet and his weak cabinet and armed forces.

  8. Dear Lloyd Austin, thanks for making the US Military woke. And expelling all the Special Forces guys who joined our cause. Will be seeing you soon you piece of shit.

  9. Austin has to be removed from office.

    We had multiple Confederate officers and soldiers who were named “Austin”. We cannot have a Secy Def with that name. It’s offensive.

  10. I’m related to a retired O-9. I remember him describing careerist flag officers like this Austin schmuck as “political generals”. Colon Powell was one such asslicker. These opportunist yes-men were looked down upon with disgust by true war-fighting military officers & enlisted.


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