DEI is DOA in Corporate America – IOTW Report

DEI is DOA in Corporate America

Frontpage Mag

In a tough economy, corporations are cutting waste and nothing is more wasteful than people who do nothing except Zoom seminars in which they somehow try to string buzzwords like “impactful”, “representation” and “best practices” into a 15 minute presentation.

In a refreshing revival of best practices, the representatives of representation are being impactfully kicked out on their asses. DEI execs had notoriously short tenures at major corporations, leaving before anyone could realize how useless they were, but now they are exiting almost as quickly as woke Disney movies are bombing at the box office. More

11 Comments on DEI is DOA in Corporate America

  1. “DEI is DOA in Corporate America”
    Should I forward this link to the morons who are currently running the 100+ year old corporation I work for into the ground?

  2. A school Principal in Ontario Committed Suicide This Month AFTER the DEI corp. That the TDSB (Toronto District School Board) hired Labelled Him a Rassissis & Encouraged a Group PILE ON.

    National Post, by Jamie Sarkonak: July 21/2023 “Toronto Principal bullied over false Charge of Racism dies from suicide.

    (Tragic read plus other articles)
    Something similar is happening to a Teacher Friend of mine who refused to tow the BLM line a few years ago.

  3. I saw an HR person who stated that any time a resume came across her desk that had applicants pronouns as them/they, she just drops it in the trash. Not worth the effort to deal with all their BS.

  4. Departments that require creative technical solutions to very complex problems must have white and Asian engineers and 95% of the top performers will be male. Departments that require midwit or low IQ repetitive work requiring pysical strength can hire as many blacks and Hispanics as they want and do fine. It’s as simple as that. But when some dumbfuck DEI policy says you have to put a midwit black guy in charge of your company’s cloud program and send all the white guys to a DEI training where some stupid, racist cunt treats them like shit just for being white, then your company may go tits up, and you will fucking deserve it to do so.


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