Dem House Foreign Affairs Chair: New ‘Ultra-Left’ Democrats ‘Not My Cup of Tea’ – IOTW Report

Dem House Foreign Affairs Chair: New ‘Ultra-Left’ Democrats ‘Not My Cup of Tea’

WFB: New York congressman Eliot Engel, the chair of the House foreign affairs committee, is not a fan of his new “ultra-left” colleagues within the House Democratic majority.

Engel, who has been viewed as one of Congress’s more liberal members over the span of his 30-year political career, made the admission during a recent interview with the American Jewish Committee’s “Passport” podcast.

“There are a handful of people that aren’t my cup of tea, but we have to transcend that and we will, and we have been,” said Engel, as first reported by the New York Post.

The admission came when Engel was asked to discuss how his longstanding support for Israel contrasted with newer members of the Democratic majority, like fellow representatives Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.). Both women have made controversial statements about Israel and Jewish Americans that are widely seen as anti-Semitic. Omar in particular, has accused political groups representing the Jewish community of “paying off” elected officials to be pro-Israel.  more

7 Comments on Dem House Foreign Affairs Chair: New ‘Ultra-Left’ Democrats ‘Not My Cup of Tea’

  1. If only it were true “Different Tim”, sadly the uniparty is alive and well and will remain so until Donny gets his nerve up and destroys George Soros the funder of all things evil.

  2. Eliot, we’ll be glad to take that handful off your hands in 2020, when we take back the House. Assuming the handful doesn’t hand you your ass before then.

  3. This old white guy doesn’t realize that the baby murderers have left him in the dust.
    The new norm, is blatant, in your face, anti semitism, with nothing but crickets from the rank and file.

  4. …be careful how much ugly you get into one thumbnail, @MJA…good think Mooch isn’t a representative or you would have hit critical mass ugly and killed us ALL with an explosion of weapons-grade nasty all up in our screens…

  5. So am I to understand that congressman Eliot Engel “knows anti-Semitism when he sees it” but is apparently too stupid to know anti-Semitism when it is spoken out loud by his co-dems on the same committee?

    What the heck dude?

    Won’t he be surprised when they kill him first.


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