Dem Leaders Decide To Downplay Impeachment During Conference Call – IOTW Report

Dem Leaders Decide To Downplay Impeachment During Conference Call

AP – A House chairman on Monday subpoenaed former White House Counsel Don McGahn as Democratic leaders moved to deepen their investigation of President Donald Trump while bottling up talk among their rank-and-file of impeaching him.

Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler was one of six powerful committee leaders making their case on a conference call with other House Democrats late in the day that they are effectively investigating Trump-related matters ranging from potential obstruction to his personal and business taxes.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged divided Democrats to focus on fact-finding rather than the prospect of any impeachment proceedings after the damning details of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Nadler and the other chairmen made clear they believe Trump did obstruct justice, according to people on the call who weren’t authorized to discuss it by name. McGahn would be a star witness for any such case because he refused Trump’s demand to set Mueller’s firing in motion, according to the report.

“The Special Counsel’s report, even in redacted form, outlines substantial evidence that President Trump engaged in obstruction and other abuses,” Nadler said in a statement released as the conference call got underway. “It now falls to Congress to determine for itself the full scope of the misconduct and to decide what steps to take in the exercise of our duties of oversight, legislation and constitutional accountability.”


15 Comments on Dem Leaders Decide To Downplay Impeachment During Conference Call

  1. …there’s a lot to unpack here, but starting with the obvious…

    “It now falls to Congress to determine for itself the full scope of the misconduct and to decide what steps to take in the exercise of our duties of oversight, legislation and constitutional accountability.”

    If you actually READ the Constitution, you would see you do NOT have “oversight” of the Executive branch.


  2. “…after the damning details of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.”

    …bias much? The ONLY thing “damning” in the Mueller Manifesto was that it damned Democrats to have to continue to defend what even Mueller had to admit was a lie.


    Which is ALL the President did.

  3. “Nadler and the other chairmen made clear they believe Trump did obstruct justice…”

    …yes, by all means start with a presumption of guilt and look at everything through the lens of your obvious confirmation bias. That way, you aren’t troubled by the fact that IT IS NOT LEGALLY POSSIBLE TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE IF THERE IS NO UNDERLYING CRIME, AND THE SAME REPORT YOU ARE RELYING ON FOR YOUR OBSTRUCTION STORY ALREADY SAID THERE IS NO UNDERLYING CRIME.

  4. “…what steps to take in the exercise of our duties of oversight, legislation and constitutional accountability.”

    Hmm, interesting that you put “legislation” in there, since you’ve done precious little of THAT. I don’t suppose you’d like to take a break from your Trump obsession to, I don’t know, maybe do your actual JOB and work on ACTUAL legislation for the good of the NATION and it’s CITIZENS? No? Well, enjoy your irrelevance, then…

  5. The government has become a weapon, one that the Democrats are wielding against Trump and anyone that supports him in any capacity.

    That includes you and me if you find yourself on his side.

  6. …for the record, the President WILL be impeached. Not because the facts and the law support it…they do NOT…but because the Demons have backed themselves into a corner and have no option at this point, no HOPE at this point, but to throw as much dust and smoke into the air as they can, and hope enough of their useful idiots fall for it to distract from their OWN, ACTUAL crimes.

    Impeachment is, unfortunately, a POLITICAL process and NOT a LEGAL one, so it works more on feelz than facts, more on emotion than evidence, so it’s PERFECT for the Democrats. And they have the votes in the House by sheer weight of numbers due to being VERY effective at stealing elections last cycle, that and the fact that they are ALL Soros NPCs and, as such, will NOT deviate from his will in any significant way, but rather march lockstep off a cliff at his bidding, to try to pull us over WITH them.

    It also gives them Carte Blanche to EVERYTHING Trump, him, his family, his freinds, his business associates, etc., etc., etc., and NO man is without sin, NO man could survive his ENTIRE LIFE being audited by the WHOLE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR YEARS, so they WILL find SOMETHING to throw at him.

    Or mabye they’ll just make good their threats to imprison his children and rape his grandchildren. They’re pretty psychotic at this point, and it wouldn’t be a FIRST for them by ANY means…

    …so, setting that possibility aside for the moment, that leaves us with the Senate trial. 47 Democrats will vote to impeach regardless of evidence, for NPC reasons listed above. Romney all but caucuses with the Democrats and fills the John McCain traitor role well, so that’s 48. Probably the usual suspects, like Collins, Cornyn, Mukowski, probably McConnell for GOP-E reasons, and Portman since the Gaystapo has owned THAT guy since his kid “came out”. That’s 53. They need 60.

    And there’s other wobbly Senators out there. Are there ENOUGH? Maybe…

    …so, at the end of the day, it may well fall to US in the Constitutional duty given to US by the Second Amendment to save this Nation.

    Be ready. The storm has NOT passed. The worst is yet to come.

    And no rat is more dangerous than a cornered one, and our President has a LOT of rats cornered right now…

  7. They know they can’t get rid of Trump. So I don’t see him getting ‘peached. Dems are just panicking right now because they realize the R’s are looking into Spygate. So is Barr. Remember: Any person the Dems question, the Repubs can question, too. It’s going to blow up in Nadler’s face. Nadler and schiff handled the fake dossier business. They’re upto their necks in it and they will be questioned, too, eventually.

  8. “They’re upto their necks in it and they will be questioned, too, eventually.”

    …I appreciate your confidence, @MJA, but we don’t have a great success rate at Republicans having the stones to give Dems more than a strongly-worded letter to date, but we shall see…

  9. I agree.
    President Trump will be impeached.
    He will NOT be convicted or removed from office.
    This is petty politics to inflame the imbeciles and morons of the Demonrat base.
    Impeachment required nothing but the will to do it and in this age where “law” is a cudgel, whoever wields it, wins. To hesitate is to lose. Had Sessions been doing his job (and he may HAVE been) the arrest warrants and subpoenas of the sycophants and lackeys of the Demonrats would already be being served – the FBI would be turned inside-out and the NSA would be disbanded. Corruption in both the House and Senate would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the “law” and the Supremes would be brought to answer for the corruptions and treasons of the FISA process.

    The more ignorant will be all the more confused and the more steadfast, all the angrier.

    Impeachment serves no other purpose than to incite violence, hatred, divisiveness, and contempt of the law – which is why the Demonrats are pursuing it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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