Illinois Dem Rep. Cheri Bustos Says Democrats Will Have To Give Trump Something On The Border Wall – IOTW Report

Illinois Dem Rep. Cheri Bustos Says Democrats Will Have To Give Trump Something On The Border Wall

DC: Democratic Rep. Cheri Bustos of Illinois said Democrats will have to give President Donald Trump some concessions on the border wall before a deal is reached.

“Keep in mind, I’m not sitting at that table doing the negotiating. I mean, I’m running the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. It means I have a seat at the leadership table,” she said Friday on CNN’s “New Day.”

“I believe that when we are looking at many issues, whether it pertains to rebuilding our country and passing what I hope will end up being a trillion-dollar infrastructure package to rebuild our roads and bridges and waterways … or whether it has to do with lowering the cost of health care, including the exorbitant prices of prescription drugs, whatever it is. What I’m saying is we can have a starting point that we go in there and we say this is ideally what we would like to see happen. But in the end, we might have to give or take a little bit.”  more

8 Comments on Illinois Dem Rep. Cheri Bustos Says Democrats Will Have To Give Trump Something On The Border Wall

  1. Nancy is to far mentally gone to care or realize what’s going on to give anything to the wall. It’s hard to negotiate with some one that’s almost in a vegetative state. I guess there’s a couple rallies scheduled in support of the wall. I hope these people are armed.

  2. “…I’m running the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.”

    She’s a used car salesperson when it comes down to it.
    She has to dress up this pig and sell it in 2020.
    More BS.

  3. Nancy and Chuck know there will be hell to pay w/their crazy base if Trump gets more than $1. Meanwhile they also know that the polling shows immigration is a top priority. Balancing the impossible. And the media thinks Trump is the one with the losing position.

  4. 5.7 billion IS the compromise, about 1/5 of the 25 billion thats needed.
    5.7 or the government stays 18% shut down indefinitely and keep blaming the intransigent loony left for it.


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