Dem Rep. Henry Cuellar Sides With Border Patrol’s Use Of Tear Gas Against Caravan – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Henry Cuellar Sides With Border Patrol’s Use Of Tear Gas Against Caravan

DC-WASHINGTON–Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar defended U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s use of tear gas against migrants attempting to rush the U.S. border near Tijuana and said he believes those who participated in the riot last Sunday only hurt the cause of the migrant caravan.

“I immediately got a video from the Mexican side and the American side, Border Patrol, and then some of my Mexican friends. Now I know there were some families there–kids, and I saw that,” Rep. Cuellar told The Daily Caller Friday. “As a parent, if I saw that, I probably wouldn’t have my kids there, number one. I saw people throwing rocks at Border Patrol.” more

6 Comments on Dem Rep. Henry Cuellar Sides With Border Patrol’s Use Of Tear Gas Against Caravan

  1. The Invaders don’t like Tear Gas…
    Very Well,
    The next time we will use compassionate Flamethrower’s instead,
    This is an assault on our nation,
    How about returning all the Mexican Sewage dropped into the US daily?

  2. Wait for it……..the leftist rabid pig pile; followed by profuse denials; and “quoted out of context” claims; with tail between his knees apology and “Trump racist mind control made me do it’, to follow.

    Always end with a lob against President Trump.

  3. “he believes those who participated in the riot last Sunday only hurt the cause of the migrant caravan.”

    It seems this guy actually supports the caravan, he just doesn’t support the tactics, which is laudable for a progressive I guess.

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