Dem Senator Quotes Song That Refers To Women As ‘Bitches’ 38 Times – IOTW Report

Dem Senator Quotes Song That Refers To Women As ‘Bitches’ 38 Times

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) decided to quote rapper Kendric Lamar’s song ‘Humble’ during George Washington University’s Commencement on Sunday but decided to leave out a key word the rapper uses in his song.

“In the words of Kendrick Lamar – whose real last name is Duckworth – be humble,” Duckworth told the graduates.

The lyric in the song is, “bitch, be humble” and Lamar uses the word ‘bitch,’ which is often used as a derogatory term towards women 38 times in the song.


14 Comments on Dem Senator Quotes Song That Refers To Women As ‘Bitches’ 38 Times

  1. When you reach the level of compassion that the libs strive to attain, and at the same time realize a oneness with nature you have risen so high in the level of consciousness that you can over look the hypocrisy of virtually any statement.

  2. I once met a gal that had a speech impediment. She introduced herself as “Lizardbreath Henweigh”. her real name was Elizabeth Hernry…..and she was more then 5 lbs……

  3. Somebody needs to hide those post it notes on their night stands so when they wake up in the morning they forget what they’re supposed to do. The note says, ‘Breathe’ 🤙 ❄️ 💩 🤡

  4. So a sitting US Seantor, the ho’ couldn’t string two words together without going to a misogynistic, patriarchal, vulgar, man spreading, gangster with a conceptualized penis?

    Dat’s yer feminism right there!

  5. MILLIONS of written and spoken quotes to choose from, and she selects a rapper. Nuff said there. Well, as the great neurophysicist Dr. Dre once said, “Never let me slip, cause if I slip, then I’m slippin.”

  6. I think the word bitch is at least number ten on my list of concerns with the lyrics of the song she referenced. Number one would be: You Keep Using That Word (humble), I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

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