Dementia Makes You Taller – IOTW Report

Dementia Makes You Taller


25 Comments on Dementia Makes You Taller

  1. Taller, longer legs, not stooped over, walking properly, wrong smile, wrong facial shape, disguises voice difference with hollow vowel utterances…

    They really think the country is stupid.

  2. That’s not biden, it must be a rent a biden. Gimme a friggin break, joey hasn’t walked that straight and tall in years. And as usual I call bullshit, who are they trying to kid. Everything about the old geezer is nothing but a pack of lies.

  3. “rent-a-biden” -geoff the aardvark

    (I added the dashes. :-))

    Comes in several versions:

    Old Yeller Stain Biden – yells and screams at the crowd. Laugh at that you stupid bastids! Claims his IQ is high. Stand up Chuck!!

    Sniffer Biden – goes right for the female jugulars. Great at teenage parties. Rent one today! 50% off if you order in the next 40 minutes!!

    Big Guy Biden – he’s important. Don’t mess with him, broh. Have your 10% ready at the door to talk to him. But his family’s balance sheet smells like a Olongapo Shit Street cesspool.

    Trunalimunumaprzure Biden – he’s got more new words than the Oxford Dictionary and he isn’t afraid to use them! Whatcher problem? C’mon man! The hair on his legs is still blond in the sun!

    Corn Pop Biden – he’ll kick your ass at the swimmin’ pool, man. Tough dude. Verbal assaults always come first followed by withdrawl. But hey, the dude knows how to fight. Just look at Ukraine!

  4. I’m about 6 feet 2 inches tall and have been that tall since I was in my teens. And I don’t have dementia. There is absolutely no correlation between having dementia and being tall. It’s just more lies and bullshit coming from the left to make joey appear to be taller so that he can fool suckers to have voted for him. Everything about joey is and has been a damned lie all of his life.

  5. Camera angle?

    I thought his speech was weird. Like his head wasn’t attached to his body. Some fancy tech stuff going on there.

    He sure moved better than we’ve seen him walk in a long time. It’s all so very weird. Will we ever know the truth?

  6. Good grief. The things they’re doing are actually getting ridiculous. To be honest I had to talk a break from the recent political insanity and deal with some real life stuff a day or so ago. Then I’m catching up on “news” this morning & hear Michael Knowles say this:

    “we’re debating whether Biden is alive or dead & that’s the third weirdest thing that’s happened in the last 9 days”

    That may not be an exact quote but it’s close & actually made me laugh. At the time. But now this? I may go back to radio silence. Oye.

  7. As a former imagery interpretation specialist for the Air Force, that short video looks fake to me. Notice how nothing comes between Biden and the camera except for the columns, the bush and the other camera. That simplifies the work of whoever made this. His feet seen to be floating above the step slightly. We all know Biden hasn’t been able to walk like that in a long time. AI is at work here.

  8. They’re sinking to new depths of deception, even as they’re—literally—rising to new heights of unbelievability. They really, really, really don’t want Harris to campaign as the incumbent.


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