Chicago: Federal officials Charge Democrat Alderman Edward Burke with Corruption – IOTW Report

Chicago: Federal officials Charge Democrat Alderman Edward Burke with Corruption

Breitbart: Federal officials charged powerful Democrat Chicago Alderman Edward Burke on Thursday for allegedly using his elected position to solicit business for his private law firm.

Burke, 75, was charged with one count of attempted extortion for a 2017 incident where he allegedly tried to cozy up to Burger King executives in the hopes they would give his private law firm business, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Burke hoped the executives would ask his law firm to clear legal hurdles related to a remodeling project at one of the fast-food chain’s locations within Burke’s ward, according to federal prosecutors.

The charges come five weeks after the FBI conducted a November raid on the Chicago Democrat’s City Hall office.  more here

6 Comments on Chicago: Federal officials Charge Democrat Alderman Edward Burke with Corruption

  1. I saw this Peter Gunn episode. Billy Bartys’ in it. Plays a pool hustler.

    Now that I think about it, I’ve seen this same plot on Law & Order, Hill Street Blues, The Rifleman, Flying Nun, Bonanza, Miami Vice, The Wire, two separate episodes of C.O.P.S. NYPD blue, magnum P.I. and a very special episode of Blossom.

    I’m sure Efram Zimbalist Jr. will have this wrapped up in 23 minutes.

  2. Another, generally accepted, learned habit picked up from Chicago political role models he trained with over the years. Where have I seen that common political trait before??

  3. Democrat politician shaking down corporations for political donations?
    Corruption is the Illinois way…. you gotta pay to play.

    What about the Hillary & Clinton Foundation, Illinois Governor, Mike Madigan, Congress, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton (just to name a few)?

    Is the FBI trying to regain their integrity?
    Good Luck with that.

  4. @cato January 4, 2019 at 10:00 pm

    > you gotta pay to play

    But it’s not corruption if you hand the money to government lawyers (and their licensing makes all lawyers government lawyers). That’s greasing the wheels of justice. The price we pay to live in a civilized society. The opportunity to contribute to this great republic.


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