Democrat Debate 2020: Liberal Journalist Melts Down On His Viewers – IOTW Report

Democrat Debate 2020: Liberal Journalist Melts Down On His Viewers

*Language warning.

Liberal “journalist” Hasan Piker, employee of fringe fashion blog The Young Turks (TYT) and nephew of its found Cenk “Burg-Murderer” Uygur, had a reaction one might call “normal” to the first Democrat 2020 Presidential Primary debate – he thought it sucked.

However, when he made the mistake of using things called “reason” and “logic” while insulting – his words – any candidate that wasn’t “straight-white-male,” his own viewers started going nuts on him as their many heretofore irrelevant mental hypocrisies came to a head and their favorite liberals exposed their true nature. Hasan Piker’s reaction? Also normal – unless your job is Turkish propagandist.

17 Comments on Democrat Debate 2020: Liberal Journalist Melts Down On His Viewers

  1. Phuck, I despise liberals.

    Wake me when the next revolution begins…..I’m banking on it to put this country back where it was always meant to be; out of the reach of liberal commies.


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