Democrat in Louisiana Legislature switches to GOP, giving Republicans a supermajority – IOTW Report

Democrat in Louisiana Legislature switches to GOP, giving Republicans a supermajority

JTN: The longest-serving Democrat in the Louisiana state legislature, Francis Thompson is switching to the GOP giving Republicans a super majority in Baton Rouge for the first time in the state’s history. 

On Friday, the Louisiana GOP put out a press release that Thompson was switching parties, giving them a 70-vote supermajority. He was first elected to the state legislature as a Democrat in 1975, according to Newsweek. 

The former Democrat-turned Republican said his values and principles guided his decision to switch. 

4 Comments on Democrat in Louisiana Legislature switches to GOP, giving Republicans a supermajority

  1. Am I allowed to question what kind of values he holds that kept him in the democrat party for so long?
    Will he be transferring those values, to further muddy the republican party?

  2. Been in office since 1975 🤔 Forget about switching to a Rino it’s time to go.

    These people that make politics a career just end up screwing things up 🤪


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