Democrat Infighting Continues: Ilhan Omar Implies Warren Should Drop Out to Help Sanders – IOTW Report

Democrat Infighting Continues: Ilhan Omar Implies Warren Should Drop Out to Help Sanders

DanBongino: In the latest sign of Democratic Party turmoil, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) implied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) should drop out of the presidential primary race in order to help socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders secure the Democratic nomination.

Taking to Twitter late on Super Tuesday, Omar wrote, “Imagine if the progressives consolidated last night like the moderates consolidated, who would have won? That’s what we should be analyzing. I feel confident a united progressive movement would have allowed for us to #BuildTogether and win MN and other states we narrowly lost.?” read more

9 Comments on Democrat Infighting Continues: Ilhan Omar Implies Warren Should Drop Out to Help Sanders

  1. So apparently Mini Mike is not the big power broker within the Libtard party everyone thought he was. Who wheels a big enough sword to get all these candidates to drop out on command? How’s Joe winning states he had no ground game or representation in? What power structure is calling the shots here? Tom Perez? No way. Soros? Inquiring minds want to know exactly who our enemies are.

  2. Trump is pretty smart he wants Biden v Bernie. Whoever is left standing will be damaged beyond repair and the supporters of either candidate will likely just stay home.


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