Democrat Politicians Lose Positions to Foreign Immigrants – IOTW Report

Democrat Politicians Lose Positions to Foreign Immigrants

Update: A reader named Donna alerted us to this:

Media Cheers “Historic” Somali Muslim’s Primary Victory – Forgets to Mention She’s Married to Her Brother.


 “Tonight, we made history,” Omar, 33, said to cheers. “Alhamdulillah [praise be to [Allah]. Tonight marks the beginning of the future of our district, a new era of representation. Tonight is about the power of you.”

DML: The effects of the massive refugee resettlement program were clearly felt in two August 9 primary elections in Minnesota, when two congress representatives literally lost their jobs to foreign-born immigrants.

Rep. Phyllis Kahn, a 22-term congresswoman, and Rep. Joe Mullery, a 10-term congressman, both from Minneapolis, lost their primary races to immigrants jumping into politics for the first time who received huge backing from their racial and ethnic groups, reports Breitbart.

Phyllis Kahn actually lost her race to two Somalis – Ilhan Omar (the winner) and Mohamud Noor (runner-up.) The primary voter turnout was up by almost 40 percent over 2014.

Omar credited her win to immigrant Somalis, and posted a statement on her website: “I am so proud that the majority of contributions to my campaign are from members of the Somali community who believe in my leadership.”   Financial contributions flowed in from Somalis in other states who supported her as well.  MORE  [It gets worse]

23 Comments on Democrat Politicians Lose Positions to Foreign Immigrants

  1. This is what an invasion and takeover look like. Minnesotans are especially naive and spongeheaded. The churches tell them that it is wonderful to be invaded and that they should open their hearts to the nice little invaders. In the meanwhile the churches are on the lam, taking big $$$ from the feds to help settle the invaders (see Ann Corcoran’s refugee resettlement site). Maybe it’s the Scandinavian roots. They have an expression up there, “Minnesota Nice.” I call it “Minnesota Weird.” They are getting steamrollered and are too dumbstruck to do anything about it. Wake up sheeple, Trump 2016.

  2. Balkanizing the US population and then controlling the various “victim” groups is a typical Democrat tactic. But what happens when the so-called victim groups are using the Democrats instead of the other way around? This is what happened in Minnesota.

    I think we are watching the Democrat party split. The Muslims have their own agenda, and will not be controlled by the Democrats. Blacks are starting to leave the plantation because the Democrats not only did not deliver for over 50 years, but their policies have made the black situation worse. Hispanics have their own agenda. Even progressives are restless – Bernie Sanders wasn’t even a Democrat until last year, and even Sanders couldn’t bring his supporters back into the fold at the DNC.

  3. The only good thing is that the very a..holes that encouraged ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and giving privilege to one religion over another, and stifled voter ID, are OUT OF WORK!!!

  4. The Liberals here used the policy of immigration and enclaving to build small areas of permanent liberal voters in strategic ridings. Instead of getting them to integrate and mix with other Canadians the government encouraged multiculturalism with money as well as accepting hyphenated names where your country came second to tribe. What we ended up importing in far too many cases was crime, ethnic hatred, tribal feuds and vile customs from the old country.

  5. In know it’s terrible that the invaders have a bridgehead in these districts, but one has to appreciate the irony of watching Dems get displaced by those they envisioned would vote for them.

  6. Isn’t this the muslima whore who married her own brother (whilst already married to another man) in an apparent case of immigration fraud? Hmmm… let’s see, you got bigamy, incest, immigration fraud but if you think she’s a criminal, you are obviously an islamaphobe.

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